Liste des objets de décoration de casier dans Splatoon 3

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Cette page contient la liste de tous les objets de décorations de casier qui peuvent être débloqués via les matchs anarchie, Coolypso, Le retour des mammifériens, Salmon Run La Nouvelle Vague, Cartes & Territoire et le Capsulomate. 29 objets étaient disponibles via Alterna à la sortie du jeu, et à partir de là, chaque saison a introduit de nouvelles décorations. Ci-dessous se trouve une liste exhaustive de tous les ajouts par saison.

Saison Décorations ajoutées
Sortie initiale 29
Saison des averses 2022 164
Saison du frimas 2022 6
Saison des bourgeons 2023 17
Saison du soleil 2023 10
Saison des averses 2023 181
Saison du frimas 2023 13
Tour de l'Ordre 18
Saison des bourgeons 2024 13
Saison du soleil 2024 11
Saison des averses 2024 5
Total 467

Cartes & Territoire

Objet Nom Description Disponibilité Introduit dans
Tri-Stringer card shield A Tri-Stringer Tableturf Battle card in a clear protective shield. Récompense au rang 28 de Cartes & Territoire Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Trizooka card shield A Trizooka Tableturf Battle card in a clear protective shield. Récompense au rang 37 de Cartes & Territoire Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Smallfry card shield A Smallfry Tableturf Battle card in a clear protective shield. Récompense au rang 43 de Cartes & Territoire Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)

Match anarchie

Objet Nom Description Disponibilité Introduit dans
B Rank trophy A copper loving cup-styled trophy with ink over the bowl. On top is a small figure of an Inkling. Obtaining B rank in Anarchy Battle Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
A Rank trophy A gunmetal gray loving cup-styled trophy with ink over the bowl. On top is a small figure of an Inkling. Obtaining A rank in Anarchy Battle Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
S Rank trophy A silver loving cup-styled trophy with ink over the bowl. On top is a small figure of an Inkling. Obtaining S rank in Anarchy Battle Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
S+ Rank trophy A platinum loving cup-styled trophy with ink over the bowl. On top is a small figure of an Inkling. Obtaining S+ rank in Anarchy Battle Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Splat Zones trophy A stylized figurine of a Splat Zone atop a golden trophy. Reaching top 500 in X Battle Saison des bourgeons 2023 (3.0.0)
Clam Blitz trophy A large golden trophy depicting a power clam atop a gold base. Reaching top 500 in X Battle Saison des bourgeons 2023 (3.0.0)
Rainmaker trophy A large golden trophy depicting the Rainmaker atop a gold base. Reaching top 500 in X Battle Saison des bourgeons 2023 (3.0.0)
Tower Control trophy A large golden trophy depicting a Tower atop a ring-shaped gold base. Reaching top 500 in X Battle Saison des bourgeons 2023 (3.0.0)

Le Cratère & Alterna

Objet Nom Description Disponibilité Introduit dans
stuffed Zapfish A plush of a Zapfish. The Crater Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
ancient face A 3D-printed replica of a moai as it appears when most of its body is underground. Alterna (Future Utopia Island) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
blue metal barrel A blue metal barrel with the number "34" and the Alterna logo on it. Alterna (Future Utopia Island) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
red metal barrel A red rusty metal barrel with the number "56" and the Alterna logo on it. Alterna (Future Utopia Island) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
small amp A small amplifier with a very small Alterna logo on its front. Alterna (Future Utopia Island) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
snowmobile A model of a red snowcat with the Alterna logo on one of its sides, based on the one found on Future Utopia Island. Alterna (Future Utopia Island) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
3D printer A miniature replica of the 3D printers found around Cozy & Safe Factory. Alterna (Cozy & Safe Factory) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
ancient pose A 3D-printed replica of The Thinker. Alterna (Cozy & Safe Factory) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
eye anatomy model An anatomy model of a human eye. Alterna (Cozy & Safe Factory) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
kidney anatomy model An anatomy model of a human kidney. Alterna (Cozy & Safe Factory) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
medium amp A speaker with the Alterna logo on the front. Alterna (Cozy & Safe Factory) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
container A blue intermodal shipping container with "SITE 01" written on it, based on the ones found on Future Utopia Island. Alterna (Cryogenic Hopetown) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
large amp An amplifier with the words "DJ" written out twice in Alterna script. Alterna (Cryogenic Hopetown) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
micro shelter A small replica of the shelters in Cryogenic Hopetown. Alterna (Cryogenic Hopetown) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
power generator A small green generator. Alterna (Cryogenic Hopetown) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
dragon paper lantern A Japanese paper lantern with a dragon drawing on it. Alterna (Landfill Dreamland) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
sports car A small deep turquoise sports car. Alterna (Landfill Dreamland) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
submarine A miniature of the black submarine seen in Landfill Dreamland. Alterna (Landfill Dreamland) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
wheelie bin A black-capped yellow garbage container with wheels. Alterna (Landfill Dreamland) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
wooden pallet A wooden pallet with a yellow piece of paper atop it. Alterna (Landfill Dreamland) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
chunk of concrete A chunk of concrete with a handle on it. Alterna (Eco-Forest Treehills) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
fire hydrant A red fire hydrant. Alterna (Eco-Forest Treehills) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
parabolic antenna A white parabolic antenna with the Alterna logo above the rod. Alterna (Eco-Forest Treehills) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
sakura paper lantern A Japanese paper lantern decorated with cherry blossoms. Alterna (Eco-Forest Treehills) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
fish paper lantern A Japanese paper lantern donning two carps in a style similar to that of many Ukiyo-e works. Alterna (Happiness Research Lab) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
Japanese umbrella A Japanese parasol. Alterna (Happiness Research Lab) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
record player A modern record player, similar to those found throughout Alterna. Alterna (Happiness Research Lab) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
server A large industrial computer server with the Alterna logo on its side. Alterna (Happiness Research Lab) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)
torii gate A Torii. Alterna (Happiness Research Lab) Sortie initiale (1.0.0)

Affaires de Crustifer

Objet Nom Description Disponibilité Prix Introduit dans
inseparable anglerfish A wooden anglerfish toy on wheels inside a transparent container. After obtaining 18 Keys Prlzs 50 Tour de l'Ordre's release (7.0.0)
memorable picture book A children's book with Octarian pictures inside a transparent container. After obtaining 6 Keys Prlzs 20 Tour de l'Ordre's release (7.0.0)
nostalgic mobile A mobile with jellyfish and a star inside a transparent container. After obtaining 12 Keys Prlzs 30 Tour de l'Ordre's release (7.0.0)
celebratory pancakes A plate of pancakes inside a transparent container. After obtaining 3 Keys Prlzs 10 Tour de l'Ordre's release (7.0.0)
dead-C toy piano A piano toy inside a transparent container. After obtaining 12 Keys Prlzs 30 Tour de l'Ordre's release (7.0.0)
puzzle with missing piece A blank puzzle with missing pieces inside a transparent container. After obtaining 6 Keys Prlzs 20 Tour de l'Ordre's release (7.0.0)
beloved toy A wooden toy inside a transparent container. After obtaining 27 Keys Prlzs 100 Tour de l'Ordre's release (7.0.0)
Swarming Languendo A Swarming Languendo statue inside a glass box. After obtaining 3 Keys Prlzs 10 Tour de l'Ordre's release (7.0.0)
Marching Andante A Marching Andante statue inside a glass box. After obtaining 3 Keys Prlzs 10 Tour de l'Ordre's release (7.0.0)
Battering Lento A Battering Lento statue inside a glass box. After obtaining 3 Keys Prlzs 10 Tour de l'Ordre's release (7.0.0)
Gushing Trionfale A Gushing Trionfale statue inside a glass box. After obtaining 27 Keys Prlzs 100 Tour de l'Ordre's release (7.0.0)
Towering Nobilmente A Towering Nobilmente statue inside a glass box. After obtaining 27 Keys Prlzs 100 Tour de l'Ordre's release (7.0.0)
Panicking Alla Mambo A Panicking Alla Mambo statue inside a glass box. After obtaining 6 Keys Prlzs 20 Tour de l'Ordre's release (7.0.0)
Springing Spiccato A Springing Spiccato statue inside a glass box. After obtaining 12 Keys Prlzs 30 Tour de l'Ordre's release (7.0.0)
Whirling Accelerando A Whirling Accelerando statue inside a glass box. After obtaining 12 Keys Prlzs 30 Tour de l'Ordre's release (7.0.0)
Drizzling Capriccioso A Drizzling Capriccioso statue inside a glass box. After obtaining 6 Keys Prlzs 20 Tour de l'Ordre's release (7.0.0)
Spawning Accordo A Spawning Accordo statue inside a glass box. After obtaining 18 Keys Prlzs 50 Tour de l'Ordre's release (7.0.0)
Homing Arpeggio A Homing Arpeggio statue inside a glass box. After obtaining 18 Keys Prlzs 50 Tour de l'Ordre's release (7.0.0)

Salmon Run La Nouvelle Vague & Big Run

Objet Nom Description Disponibilité Prix Introduit dans
Scrapper A green Scrapper statue. Grizzco Bronze Fish Scales 80 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Steelhead A green Steelhead statue. Grizzco Silver Fish Scales 5 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Smallfry A green Smallfry statue. Grizzco Gold Fish Scale 1 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Maws A green statue of a Maws about to attack. Grizzco, after first milestone Bronze Fish Scales 160 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Stinger A green Stinger statue. Grizzco, after first milestone Silver Fish Scales 20 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Chum A green Chum figure. Grizzco, after first milestone Gold Fish Scales 4 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Drizzler A green Drizzler statue depicting one after it has fired its projectile. Grizzco, after second milestone Bronze Fish Scales 320 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Flyfish A green Flyfish statue. Grizzco, after second milestone Silver Fish Scales 80 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Cohock A green Cohock figure. Grizzco, after second milestone Gold Fish Scales 15 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Steel Eel A green Steel Eel statue. Grizzco, after second milestone Gold Fish Scales 15 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Goldie A golden Goldie statue. Grizzco, after second milestone Gold Fish Scales 100 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
base Cohozuna A green Cohozuna figure. December 2022 Big Run reward for bottom 50% of participants N/A 13 décembre 2022
bronze Cohozuna A bronze Cohozuna figure. December 2022 Big Run reward for top 50% of participants N/A 13 décembre 2022
silver Cohozuna A silver Cohozuna figure. December 2022 Big Run reward for top 20% of participants N/A 13 décembre 2022
gold Cohozuna A gold Cohozuna figure. December 2022 Big Run reward for top 5% of participants N/A 13 décembre 2022
Big Shot A green Big Shot statue. Grizzco, after second milestone Silver Fish Scales 120 Saison des bourgeons 2023 (3.0.0)
Flipper-Flopper A green Flipper-Flopper statue. Grizzco Bronze Fish Scales 50 Saison des bourgeons 2023 (3.0.0)
Fish Stick A green Fish Stick statue. Grizzco, after first milestone Bronze Fish Scales 120 Saison des bourgeons 2023 (3.0.0)
base Horrorboros A green Horrorboros figure. March 2023 Big Run reward for bottom 50% of participants N/A 7 mars 2023
bronze Horrorboros A bronze Horrorboros figure. March 2023 Big Run reward for top 50% of participants N/A 7 mars 2023
silver Horrorboros A silver Horrorboros figure. March 2023 Big Run reward for top 20% of participants N/A 7 mars 2023
gold Horrorboros A gold Horrorboros figure. March 2023 Big Run reward for top 5% of participants N/A 7 mars 2023
basic Lesser Salmonid swarm A green Lesser Salmonid swarm figure. June 2023 Big Run reward for bottom 50% of participants N/A 13 juin 2023
bronze Lesser Salmonid swarm A bronze Lesser Salmonid swarm figure. June 2023 Big Run reward for top 50% of participants N/A 13 juin 2023
silver Lesser Salmonid swarm A silver Lesser Salmonid swarm figure. June 2023 Big Run reward for top 20% of participants N/A 13 juin 2023
gold Lesser Salmonid swarm A gold Lesser Salmonid swarm figure. June 2023 Big Run reward for top 5% of participants N/A 13 juin 2023
Golden Egg box A green Golden Egg box statue. Grizzco Gold Fish Scale 1 Saison des averses 2023 (5.0.0)
Snatcher A green Snatcher statue. Grizzco, after first milestone Gold Fish Scales 5 Saison des averses 2023 (5.0.0)
Slammin' Lid A green Slammin' Lid statue. Grizzco, after first milestone Bronze Fish Scales 320 Saison des averses 2023 (5.0.0)
basic helicopter A green helicopter figure. September 2023 Big Run reward for bottom 50% of participants N/A 5 septembre 2023
bronze helicopter A bronze helicopter figure. September 2023 Big Run reward for top 50% of participants N/A 5 septembre 2023
silver helicopter A silver helicopter figure. September 2023 Big Run reward for top 20% of participants N/A 5 septembre 2023
gold helicopter A gold helicopter figure. September 2023 Big Run reward for top 5% of participants N/A 5 septembre 2023
basic Golden Egg figure A green Golden Egg figure. December 2023 Big Run reward for participants that had a high score of 84 Golden Eggs or less N/A 4 décembre 2023
bronze Golden Egg figure A bronze Golden Egg figure. December 2023 Big Run reward for participants that had a high score of 85-109 Golden Eggs N/A 4 décembre 2023
silver Golden Egg figure A silver Golden Egg figure. December 2023 Big Run reward for participants that had a high score of 110-134 Golden Eggs N/A 4 décembre 2023
gold Golden Egg figure A gold Golden Egg figure. December 2023 Big Run reward for participants that had a high score of 135 or more Golden Eggs N/A 4 décembre 2023

Mothership A green Mothership statue. Grizzco, after first milestone Silver Fish Scales 20 Fresh Season 2024 (7.0.0)
Chinook A green Chinook statue. Grizzco Silver Fish Scales 5 Fresh Season 2024 (7.0.0)
Griller A green Griller statue. Grizzco, after second milestone Bronze Fish Scales 320 Fresh Season 2024 (7.0.0)
basic Megalodontia A green Megalodontia figure. March 2024 Big Run reward for participants that had a high score of 84 Golden Eggs or less N/A 11 mars 2024
bronze Megalodontia A bronze Megalodontia figure. March 2024 Big Run reward for participants that had a high score of 85-109 Golden Eggs N/A 11 mars 2024
silver Megalodontia A silver Megalodontia figure. March 2024 Big Run reward for participants that had a high score of 110-134 Golden Eggs N/A 11 mars 2024
gold Megalodontia A gold Megalodontia figure. March 2024 Big Run reward for participants that had a high score of 135 or more Golden Eggs N/A 11 mars 2024

Salmonid Rush wave A green Salmonid Rush statue. Grizzco Gold Fish Scale 1 Sizzle Season 2024 (8.0.0)
Mudmouth A green Mudmouth statue. Grizzco, after first milestone Silver Fish Scales 20 Sizzle Season 2024 (8.0.0)
egg basket A green egg basket statue. Grizzco, after second milestone Gold Fish Scales 15 Sizzle Season 2024 (8.0.0)
colorful egg basket A colorful egg basket statue. Obtain all Eggsecutive VP 999 badges N/A Sizzle Season 2024 (8.0.0)
Grizzco helicopter A colorful Grizzco helicopter statue. Defeat a Triumvirate at Hazard Level MAX N/A Sizzle Season 2024 (8.0.0)
basic life ring A green life ring figure. June 2024 Big Run reward for participants that had a high score of 84 Golden Eggs or less N/A 10 juin 2024
bronze life ring A bronze life ring figure. June 2024 Big Run reward for participants that had a high score of 85-109 Golden Eggs N/A 10 juin 2024
silver life ring A silver life ring figure. June 2024 Big Run reward for participants that had a high score of 110-134 Golden Eggs N/A 10 juin 2024
gold life ring A gold life ring figure. June 2024 Big Run reward for participants that had a high score of 135 or more Golden Eggs N/A 10 juin 2024

wooden Mr. Grizz replica A miniature version of the wooden Mr. Grizz statue. Grizzco Bronze Fish Scales 999 Sizzle Season 2024 (9.0.0)
basic Mr. Grizz replica A miniature green Mr. Grizz statue. September 2024 Big Run reward for participants that had a high score of 99 Golden Eggs or less N/A 9 septembre 2024
bronze Mr. Grizz replica A miniature bronze Mr. Grizz statue. September 2024 Big Run reward for participants that had a high score of 100-124 Golden Eggs N/A 9 septembre 2024
silver Mr. Grizz replica A miniature silver Mr. Grizz statue. September 2024 Big Run reward for participants that had a high score of 125-149 Golden Eggs N/A 9 septembre 2024
gold Mr. Grizz replica A miniature gold Mr. Grizz statue. September 2024 Big Run reward for participants that had a high score of 150 or more Golden Eggs N/A 9 septembre 2024

Coolypso & Capsulomate

Objet Nom Description Prix Introduit dans
abyssal squid friend A blue stylized squid figure or plush doll reminiscent of a Furby inside its packaging. Cash 7140 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
big green barricade A wide green bumper. Cash 1980 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
big orange barricade A wide orange bumper. Cash 1980 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
big purple barricade A wide purple bumper. Cash 1980 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
big-logo skateboard A skateboard with an unknown logo on its underside. Cash 23800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
black squid bumper A black Squid Bumper. Cash 2480 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
blue barricade A blue bumper. Cash 980 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
blue bucket A small blue bucket. Cash 698 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
blue candy-drop can A candy can featuring a blue version of the 3D art used for the cover of Splatune. Cash 6800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
blue squid bumper A blue Squid Bumper. Cash 2480 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
blue squid cushion A blue cushion resembling a somewhat stylized squid form of an Inkling. Cash 9980 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Boneless Appétit An issue of a cuisine magazine of sorts, with a picture of two Inkling children about to eat a meal on the cover. Cash 2300 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
bottle crate A turquoise bottle crate. Cash 5800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
briefcase A rectangular briefcase heavily decorated with stickers. Cash 14800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
canned special A canned special from the Deepsea Metro. Cash 77777 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
cardboard box A sealed cardboard box. Cash 880 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
cheesy munchy snacks A potato chip can resembling a Pringles can. Its front features the "Mister Munchy" character. Cash 8989 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
cherry mug A coffee mug with a cherry design on its front (the same seen on the Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose). Cash 2980 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
chocolate cereal A box of chocolate cereal with the "monkey crab" character on it. Cash 3800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
clam A clam used for Clam Blitz. Cash 8888 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
coconut cereal A box of coconut cereal with the "monkey crab" character on it. Cash 5572 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
comedy comic The first volume of a comedy comic that appears to feature the "monkey crab" character. Cash 5460 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Commander Cephaloid A copy of a video game with the cover bearing a striking resemblance to a Famicom game. Its boxart features Squidball's icon. Cash 5800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
concentrated detergent An orange box of detergent. Cash 1480 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Contain the Kraken A copy of a video game with the cover bearing a striking resemblance to a Nintendo Switch game. Cash 15800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
cooler A white styrofoam cooler. The cooler is based on the crates that Chinooks deploy during Salmon Run's Mothership Event. Cash 3800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
cord reel A yellow cord reel. Cash 6890 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
cotton-candy squid friend A cotton-candy colored stylized elongated squid figure or plush doll reminiscent of a Furby, specifically the "Long Furby" meme. Cash 25000 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
crispy snacks A bag of potato chips. Cash 2800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
crunchy snacks A bag of cheese puffs. Cash 2800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
crusty snacks A bag of potato chips. Cash 2800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Cuttlegear crate A Cuttlegear Crate. Cash 20000 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
dancing flower A plastic flowering plant wearing sunglasses and holding an electric guitar. Cash 9999 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Deep-Fried Shwaffle mug A Crust Bucket-branded mug with an illustration of a Deep-Fried Shwaffle on it. Cash 24800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
demonic squid friend A black stylized squid figure or plush doll reminiscent of a Furby inside its packaging. Cash 7140 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Drip Squad A fashion magazine with an Inkling on each cover. The Inkling on the front cover appears to be modeling gear produced by Inkline, while the Inkling on the back is modeling gear by Zekko. Cash 8800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
energy drink A white can of energy drink with a stylized lightning bolt icon similar to the ones from the Tacticooler special. Cash 19999 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Evolved Science Journal An issue, seemingly the thirty-fourth, of a biology journal. The image on the front cover is a crop of Sunken Scroll 10. The image on the back cover is a crop of Sunken Scroll 13. Cash 4480 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
fangirl comic The second volume of a shōjo manga featuring an Octoling donning the Tentatwists hairstyle, an Inkling donning the Hippie hairstyle and several flowers on the cover illustration. Its title reads "IKAN♥TAKO" in Runic Script and its author is listed as "TAKO IU" in Serif Script. Cash 10800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
fantasy novel A fantasy novel with a tinted photograph of Scorch Gorge as its cover. Cash 3980 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
fiery squid friend A red stylized squid figure or plush doll reminiscent of a Furby inside its packaging. Cash 7140 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
fire extinguisher A red fire extinguisher. Cash 6500 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
folding chair A folded-up folding chair. Cash 3980 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
ginger ale A can of ginger ale. Cash 1300 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
gray propane tank A gray propane tank. Cash 7119 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
green squid bumper A green Squid Bumper. Cash 2480 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
green squid cushion A green cushion resembling a somewhat stylized squid form of an Inkling. Cash 9980 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
ice-cream box A box of ice cream cones decorated like Jellyfish. Cash 7800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Ink & Splatter A magazine that appears to be about weapons used in Turf War. The front cover depicts a member of the Squid Research Lab, and the Ammo Knights logo can be seen in the lower-right corner. The back cover depicts various shooter-type weapons. Cash 9200 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
ink-splattered skateboard A green skateboard with a purple ink-splats design on its underside. Cash 19800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Inkopolis Illustrated An issue of an fashion magazine with an Inkling posing on the "spawn point" in Inkopolis Square on the front cover. The back cover depicts another Inkling sitting at a table in Inkopolis Square. The covers are the same as the front covers of the two issues found in the Deepsea Metro, with front being the issue that the Octo Expansion artbook HaikaraWalker is based on. Cash 2200 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
iShipIt box A box that seems to have been shipped by iShipIt. Cash 1880 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
large box A large gray box with SquidForce logos on the sides, as seen in many multiplayer stages. Cash 800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
large crate A large crate. Cash 600 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
large ink-proof box A large dark gray uninkable box that appears in many multiplayer stages. Cash 1000 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
love-and-war comic The third volume of a shōjo manga with three Inklings on the cover illustration. One of the Inklings dons the Hippie hairstyle, another the Slick hairstyle, and another the Mush-cut hairstyle. Its title reads "IKAN♥TAKO" in Runic Script and its author is listed as "TAKO IU" in Serif Script. Cash 11000 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Missus Shrug A figure of "Missus Shrug", a cartoon character also seen on the Missus Shrug Tee. Cash 13190 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Mister Munchy skateboard A skateboard with a "Mister Munchy" character design on its underside. Cash 38000 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Mister Shrug A figure of "Mister Shrug", a cartoon character also seen on the Mister Shrug Tee. Cash 13180 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Mister Shrug mug A white mug with the "Mister Shrug" character design on the front. Cash 8131 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Mister Tuna A figure of a realistic tuna character wearing a small blue cap. Cash 42195 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Monkey Crab in Silly Land A game starring the "monkey crab" character. The cover bears a striking resemblance to a Nintendo Switch game. Cash 15800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
monkey-crab mug A blue mug with a "monkey crab" character design on the front. Cash 24800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
monkey-crab skateboard A skateboard with a "monkey crab" character design on its underside. Cash 46490 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
mysterious dried thing A Jenny Haniver, carcasses of rays or skates dried and posed to look like mystical creatures. Cash 93800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Nostalgia Power Magazine A parody of the Nintendo Power magazine depicting Squidball on the front cover and Squid Jump on the back cover. Cash 4800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
octo cellie charm A small plush charm shaped like an octopus. It is based on real-world merchandise sold during Splatoon 2's lifespan. Cash 7980 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Octo Kong Country A parody of Donkey Kong Country with swim form Inklings instead of the Kongs. Cash 9800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
octo mug A white mug with a red octopus logo. Cash 4480 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
oil can A can of oil with a moonfish on the label. Cash 1800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
old-school radio An old-fashioned radio or mobile telephone. Cash 49106 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
orange candy-drop can An orange candy can with the 3D artwork for Splatune on the label. Cash 6800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
orange squid bumper An orange Squid Bumper. Cash 2480 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
orange squid cushion An orange cushion resembling a somewhat stylized squid form of an Inkling. Cash 9980 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
pink barricade A pink bumper. Cash 980 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
pink squid bumper A pink Squid Bumper. Cash 2480 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
pink squid cushion A pink cushion resembling a somewhat stylized squid form of an Inkling. Cash 9980 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
pink squid friend A pink stylized squid figure or plush doll reminiscent of a Furby inside its packaging. Cash 7140 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
plastic umbrella A closed clear plastic umbrella. Cash 1800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
pop A blue can of soda with a pink ink splat. Cash 1300 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
popular novel A small book whose cover is beige with green lettering. There appears to be a hammerhead shark design on its front. Cash 1280 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
power clam A Power Clam used for in Clam Blitz. Cash 71104 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Power Egg pack A can of Power Eggs. Cash 19600 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
processed cheese A small package that contains processed cheese. Cash 9500 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
purple squid cushion A purple cushion resembling a somewhat stylized squid form of an Inkling. Cash 9980 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Rainmaker The Rainmaker used in Rainmaker. Cash 75800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Rainmaker Goal A checkpoint/goal used in Rainmaker. Cash 75800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
red bucket A small red bucket. Cash 698 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Rockin' Music Quarterly

A music magazine with an image of Chirpy Chips on the front cover. The back cover depicts Hightide Era.

Cash 6800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
romance comic

The first volume of a shōjo manga featuring two Inklings and several flowers on the cover illustration. One of the Inklings dons the Hippie hairstyle while the other dons the Slick hairstyle. Its title reads "IKAN♥TAKO" in Runic Script and its author is listed as "TAKO IU" in Serif Script.

Cash 10500 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Salmon Manners Handbook A small textbook with fish graphics on the front. Cash 2980 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Salmonid balloon A balloon in the shape of a stylized salmonid, identical to the one hanging in the Grizzco lobby. Cash 7890 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
salted munchy snacks A potato chip can resembling a Pringles can. Its front features the "Mister Munchy" character. Cash 8989 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
sci-fi comic A comic book with a squid-shaped spaceship on the cover. Cash 1480 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Sea Snail Man A silver-teal small action figure toy shaped like the "Sea Snail Man" character. Cash 13333 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Sea Snail Man (Darkness) A black small action figure toy shaped like the "Sea Snail Man" character. Cash 33330 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Sea Snail Man (Fire) A yellow-red-purple small action figure toy shaped like the "Sea Snail Man" character. Cash 33303 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Sea Snail Man (Ghost) A pale green small action figure toy shaped like the "Sea Snail Man" character. Cash 30333 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Sea Snail Man (Love) A glittery red small action figure toy shaped like the "Sea Snail Man" character. Cash 33333 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Sea Snail Man (Sky) A blue cloud-patterned small action figure toy shaped like the "Sea Snail Man" character. Cash 33033 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
sea-cucumber phone A Sea-Cucumber Phone. Cash 85850 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Sharktooth Comix A manga anthology with a picture of an Octoling on the cover. The backside features multiple advertisements, including one for Red & Black Squidkid IVs. Cash 1290 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Sharktooth Comix - Double A manga anthology with a picture of a squid superhero on the cover. The backside features multiple advertisements, including one for Black Norimaki 750s. Cash 1810 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Sharktooth Comix - Special A manga anthology with a picture of an Inkling and Octoling on the cover. The backside features an advertisement related in some way to Chirpy Chips. Cash 1550 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Shellendorf skateboard A skateboard with a Shellendorf Institute logo pattern on its underside. Cash 33800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
shovel A simple hand-wielded shovel. Cash 3800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Skalop skateboard A skateboard with a Skalop logo pattern on its underside. Cash 28000 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
small box A small gray box with SquidForce logos on the sides, as seen in many multiplayer stages. Cash 400 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
small crate A small crate. Cash 300 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
small ink-proof box A small dark gray uninkable box that appears in many multiplayer stages. Cash 500 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
solar squid friend A yellow stylized squid figure or plush doll reminiscent of a Furby inside its packaging. Cash 7140 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
spawner A spawner. Cash 180300 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
sports comic A small copy of a manga about sports. Its cover features an Inkling in swim form moving at high speed, a goal flag-waving Zapfish, and a Jellyfish. Cash 1990 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
squid cellie charm A small plush charm shaped like a squid. It is based on real-world merchandise sold during Splatoon 2's lifespan. Cash 7980 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
SquidForce mug A white mug with the SquidForce logo on it. Cash 3333 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Squidgital Game Guide A strategy guide with a pixelated squid on the front cover. The back cover shows an image of Squid Beatz. Cash 3300 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
stack of newspapers A stack of newspapers bound with string. Cash 6397 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
stepladder A short stepladder with yellow plastic padding. Cash 5800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
sticky squid toy A small sticky toy in the style of stretchy "climbing men" toys. It resembles an Inkling in Zipcaster form. Cash 5963 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
sugary cereal A box of sugary cereal with the "monkey crab" character on it. Cash 2980 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Super Sea Snail A decoration that looks like a Super Sea Snail.[1] Cash 333333 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Super Squid Collection A copy of a video game with the cover bearing a striking resemblance to a Super Famicom game. Cash 9500 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
surveyor tripod A modern theodolite tripod. Cash 160900 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
suspicious garbage can A purple and yellow squid-shaped garbage can with a red octopus tentacle poking out of its opening. Cash 44444 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Tentacle Nights A copy of a video game with the cover bearing a striking resemblance to a Nintendo Switch game. Cash 15800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Tentacube in Octo-D! A copy of a video game with the cover bearing a striking resemblance to a Super Famicom game. Cash 9080 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
teriyaki munchy snacks A potato chip can resembling a Pringles can. Its front features the "Mister Munchy" character. Cash 8989 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
The Squid Ninja Story A copy of a video game with the cover bearing a striking resemblance to a Famicom game. Cash 5500 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
tissue box A small yellow-and-orange tissue box with a squid pattern on its long sides. Cash 498 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Tower Control Tower A miniature of the tower used in Tower Control. Cash 89600 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
traffic cone An orange traffic cone with white stripes. Cash 8460 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Tunnel & Track A magazine seemingly about trains. Cash 1800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
ultra-clean detergent A light blue box of detergent. Cash 1480 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
verdant squid friend A green stylized squid figure or plush doll reminiscent of a Furby inside its packaging. Cash 7140 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
Volley Volley Panic A copy of a video game with the cover bearing a striking resemblance to a Famicom game. Its boxart features Squid Beatz' icon, though its name is a reference to Doki Doki Panic. Cash 4500 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
wasabi munchy snacks A potato chip can resembling a Pringles can. Its front features the "Mister Munchy" character. Cash 8989 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
wooden boat A miniature version of the wooden dinghy seen in the Grizzco lobby. Cash 29800 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
wrapped crate An armored crate. Cash 10000 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
yellow barricade A yellow bumper. Cash 980 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
yellow squid cushion A yellow cushion resembling a somewhat stylized squid form of an Inkling. Cash 9980 Saison des averses 2022 (1.1.0)
ST-NT acoustic guitar A light brown acoustic guitar with a natural finish. Cash 158000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
ST-CS acoustic guitar A medium brown acoustic guitar with a cherry stain finish. Cash 158000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
ST-VS acoustic guitar A dark brown acoustic guitar. Cash 158000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
ST-JF acoustic guitar A turquoise acoustic guitar with a jellyfish pattern. Cash 158000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
arcade game A short retro coin-operated arcade cabinet. Cash 100100 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
black backpack A black backpack with pins. Cash 69390 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
marble backpack A navy blue backpack with a multicolor pattern on its front pocket and pins. Cash 69390 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
two-tone backpack A brown and beige backpack with pins. Cash 69390 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
pink backpack A hot pink backpack with a brown triangle pattern and pins. Cash 69390 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
cacao backpack A black and dark brown backpack with pins. Cash 69390 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
orange basketball An orange basketball. Cash 55555 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
gold basketball A gold basketball with black accents. Cash 55555 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
Urchiners basketball A basketball featuring the color scheme and logo also seen on the B-ball Jersey (Home) and B-ball Jersey (Away) gear. Cash 55555 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
Lob-Stars basketball A basketball featuring the color scheme and logo also seen on the Lob-Stars Jersey gear. Cash 55555 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
pink basketball A light pink basketball with white accents and a squid pattern. Cash 55555 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
poppy test tubes Test tubes containing yellow, red and blue liquid within an acrylic holder. Cash 1117 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
aqua test tubes Test tubes containing purple and teal liquid within an acrylic holder. Cash 1117 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
marbled test tubes Test tubes containing rainbow-colored liquid in marble patterns within an acrylic holder. Cash 1117 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
verdant test tubes Test tubes containing green liquid within an acrylic holder. Cash 1117 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
gradient test tubes Test tubes containing purple and pink liquid within an acrylic holder. Cash 1117 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
monochromatic test tubes Test tubes containing black and white liquid within an acrylic holder. Cash 1117 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
light-brown broom A light brown straw broom. Cash 3980 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
dark-brown broom A dark brown straw broom. Cash 3980 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
bus A miniature bus. Cash 4000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
freight truck A miniature freight truck. Cash 4000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
moving truck A miniature moving truck. Cash 4000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
black daypack A black daypack. Cash 29800 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
camo daypack A camo-patterned daypack. Cash 29800 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
multicolored daypack A green, orange, purple and black daypack. Cash 29800 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
fish-bone daypack A black daypack with a purple fishbone pattern. Cash 29800 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
beige daypack A black and beige daypack. Cash 29800 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
dogū A dogū resembling an Inkling. Cash 3333 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
golden dogū A golden dogū resembling an Inkling. Cash 33333 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
red pixel-squid cushion A red squid cushion, stylized to resemble pixel art. Cash 19980 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
blue pixel-squid cushion A blue squid cushion, stylized to resemble pixel art. Cash 19980 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
magenta pixel-octo cushion A magenta octopus cushion, stylized to resemble pixel art. Cash 19980 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
mint pixel-octo cushion A mint octopus cushion, stylized to resemble pixel art. Cash 19980 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
ink drawstring bag A yellow and navy blue drawstring bag. Cash 7239 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
fish-scale drawstring bag A black drawstring bag with a fish scale pattern. Cash 7239 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
emerald drawstring bag An emerald green drawstring bag. Cash 7239 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
groovy drawstring bag A pink and blue drawstring bag with a gradient pattern. Cash 7239 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
shrimp bag A drawstring bag stylized to resemble a shrimp. Cash 7239 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
ST-DF electric guitar A large electric guitar Cash 158000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
ST-VS electric guitar A large electric guitar Cash 158000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
ST-BLU electric guitar A large blue electric guitar. Cash 158000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
ST-PK electric guitar A large pink electric guitar. Cash 158000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
ST-3TS electric guitar A large electric guitar decorated with stickers. Cash 158000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
electric pot A rose gold electric water boiler with a flower decal on its back. Cash 6980 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
spotted eel plushie A large spotted garden eel plush. Cash 10750 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
orange-stripe eel plushie A large orange and white striped eel plush. Cash 10750 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
pink-stripe eel plushie A large pink and white striped eel plush. Cash 10750 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
green-stripe eel plushie A large teal and white striped eel plush. Cash 10750 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
crane decoration A miniature version of the paper crane animal statue seen in Inkopolis Square. Cash 20000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
bird decoration A miniature version of the chicken animal statue seen in Splatsville. Cash 30000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
boar decoration A miniature version of the pig animal statue seen in Splatsville. Cash 30000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
snake decoration A miniature version of the snake animal statue seen in Splatsville. Cash 30000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
turtle decoration A miniature version of the turtle animal statue seen in Inkopolis Square. Cash 20000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
Deep Cut teacup A yunomi-style deep green teacup with Deep Cut's logo on the front, as seen in Deep Cut's studio. Cash 33333 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
basic Fresh Fish doll A Fresh Fish figurine. Cash 19800 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
vacation Fresh Fish doll A tanned Fresh Fish figurine wearing an old-fashioned bathing suit. Cash 19800 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
retro Fresh Fish doll A black and white Fresh Fish figurine. Cash 19800 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
hydro ultra squid A PVC figurine of the blue and white "hydro ultra squid". Cash 50505 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
fake ultra squid A PVC figurine of the red and black "fake ultra squid". Cash 50205 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
cephalo cipher stone A stone fragment resembling the Rosetta Stone, as seen in Shellendorf Institute. Cash 12345 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
seafood noodles A cup of seafood-flavored instant noodles. Cash 2360 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
soy-sauce noodles A cup of soy sauce-flavored instant noodles. Cash 2360 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
curry noodles A large green cup of soy curry-flavored instant noodles. Cash 2360 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
super-spicy noodles A large black cup of soy spicy-flavored instant noodles. Cash 2360 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
udon noodles A large green cup of soy udon instant noodles. Cash 2360 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
wire basket A small metal handheld shopping basket. Cash 3980 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
apple juice box A small apple juicebox. Cash 15000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
grape juice box A small grape juicebox. Cash 15000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
sour juice box A small juicebox. Cash 15000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
café au lait juice box A small café au lait juicebox. Cash 15000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
strawberry-milk juice box A small strawberry milk juicebox. Cash 15000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
thunder lacrosse stick A yellow and black lacrosse stick. Cash 10101 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
candy lacrosse stick A pink and white lacrosse stick. Cash 10101 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
lime lacrosse stick A lime and black lacrosse stick. Cash 10101 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
royal lacrosse stick A white and gold lacrosse stick. Cash 10101 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
hot lacrosse stick A red and black lacrosse stick. Cash 10101 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
clean liquid detergent A large blue bottle of laundry detergent. Cash 1680 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
super liquid detergent A large purple bottle of laundry detergent. Cash 1680 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
fresh liquid detergent A large green bottle of laundry detergent. Cash 1680 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
pink-lid lunch box A small pink-lidded Tupperware-style container with a burrito, mushrooms and rambutan inside. Cash 8311 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
purple-lid lunch box A small purple-lidded Tupperware-style container with a slice of carrot cake inside. Cash 8311 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
orange-lid lunch box A small orange-lidded Tupperware-style container with pieces of rolled omelette and onigiri inside. Cash 8311 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
green-lid lunch box A small green-lidded Tupperware-style container with half a sandwich, half a banana and pasta inside. Cash 8311 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
heroic octopus A bronze octopus sculpture. Cash 80000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
heroic squid A bronze squid sculpture. Cash 101010 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
closed-mouth mudskipper A miniature stone mudskipper sculpture in the style of Chinese guardian lions, as seen at Skipper Pavilion. This sculpture faces the right with its mouth closed. Cash 24400 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
open-mouth mudskipper A miniature stone mudskipper sculpture in the style of Chinese guardian lions, as seen at Skipper Pavilion. This sculpture faces the left with its mouth open. Cash 24400 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
donation box A saisen. Cash 5050 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
gray mop A large mop with a green and gray mophead. Cash 4980 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
yellow mop A large mop with a purple and yellow mophead. Cash 4980 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
armor An armor briefcase. Cash 30000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
Alterna-style cardboard box A sealed cardboard box with the Alterna logo on its front. Cash 3000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
target crate A small yellow target crate. Cash 5000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
hard target crate A small orange target crate. Cash 10000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
squid ring A squid ring. Cash 1010 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
ink wheel An ink wheel. Cash 8888 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
soaker block A soaker block. Cash 10000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
sponge A sponge. Cash 3980 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
ink switch An ink switch. Cash 13800 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
Sardinium A piece of Sardinium. Cash 125000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
orca fossil A miniature version of the orca fossil seen hanging in Shellendorf Institute. Cash 40000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
basic paintbrush stand A small jar covered in squid and octopus stickers containing five paintbrushes. Cash 1111 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
cheese-label paintbrush stand A small jar with a logo sticker containing four paintbrushes. Cash 1111 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
snack-label paintbrush stand A small jar with miscellaneous logo stickers containing five paintbrushes. Cash 1111 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
holo paintbrush stand A small jar with holographic stickers containing four paintbrushes. Cash 1111 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
plaster bust sculpture A plaster sculpture of an Inkling with a hairstyle resembling a squid, as seen at Inkblot Art Academy. Cash 20000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
plaster face sculpture A plaster sculpture of an Inkling in squid form with its top broken off, as seen at Inkblot Art Academy. Cash 20000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
grape soda A purple bottle of soda. Cash 1800 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
ink cola A black bottle of soda. Cash 1800 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
green tea A slim green bottle of tea. Cash 1800 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
catfish-brand nectar A stout pink bottle of juice. Cash 1800 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
sports drink A slim green bottle of sports drink. Cash 1800 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
café au lait A stout, small bottle of café au lait. Cash 1800 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
mineral water A square gray bottle of mineral water. Cash 1800 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
orange juice A slim, tall, orange bottle of juice Cash 1800 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
navy loose-leaf binder A navy blue loose-leaf style binder with a squid sticker on its front and a logo on its spine. Cash 12500 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
brown loose-leaf binder A brown loose-leaf style binder with a squid sticker on its front and a logo on its spine. Cash 12500 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
orange loose-leaf binder An orange loose-leaf style binder with a squid sticker on its front and a logo on its spine. Cash 12500 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
green loose-leaf binder A green loose-leaf style binder with a squid sticker on its front and a logo on its spine. Cash 12500 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
yellow loose-leaf binder A yellow loose-leaf style binder with a squid sticker on its front and a logo on its spine. Cash 12500 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
orange Salmonid paper lantern An orange paper lantern stylized after a Salmonid, as seen outside the Grizzco building. Cash 4560 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
blue Salmonid paper lantern A blue paper lantern stylized after a Salmonid, as seen outside the Grizzco building. Cash 4560 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
green Salmonid paper lantern A green paper lantern stylized after a Salmonid, as seen outside the Grizzco building. Cash 4560 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
neon Salmonid sign A neon sign depicting a large Salmonid. Cash 15000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
neon Salmonid-swarm sign A neon sign depicting a swarm of three small Salmonids. Cash 10000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
neon sockeye-Salmonid sign A neon sign depicting a medium-size Salmonid. Cash 20000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
neon lucky-Salmonid sign A neon sign depicting a large Salmonid posed like a maneki-neko. Cash 25000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
shark jaws A shark jaws fossil. Cash 39393 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
shrimpet A figurine of a shrimp wearing a spiked collar. Cash 101010 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
Salmonid bumper A Salmonid bumper as seen in Grizzco's test range. Cash 1240 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
big squid bumper A large squid bumper as seen in several test ranges. Cash 24800 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
Inkling skateboard A skateboard featuring an Inkling decal on its underside, as seen in Splatoon 2 fingerboard merchandise. Cash 101010 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
Octoling skateboard A skateboard featuring an Octoling decal on its underside, as seen in Splatoon 2 fingerboard merchandise. Cash 88888 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
Squiddor skateboard A skateboard featuring a pink underside with stickers, as seen in Splatoon 2 fingerboard merchandise. Cash 19800 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
Saturday skateboard A skateboard featuring a blue underside with stickers, as seen in Splatoon 2 fingerboard merchandise. Cash 25000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
re-stickulous skateboard A skateboard that is full of stickers on its underside, as seen in Splatoon 2 fingerboard merchandise. Cash 48000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
dynamic skateboard A skateboard featuring a black and red design on its underside. Cash 35000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
chewy snacks A bag of yellow gummy snacks. Cash 2800 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
crisp snacks A bag of crunchy pretzels. Cash 2800 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
munchable snacks A bag of ruffled chips. Cash 2800 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
white takeout box A white takeout box with orange lettering. Cash 4980 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
black takeout box A black takeout box with gold decals and white lettering. Cash 4980 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
beige takeout box A plain cardboard takeout box. Cash 4980 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
checkered takeout box A red and white checkered takeout box. Cash 4980 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
antique book A thick book with a brown cover featuring gold lettering. Cash 9800 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
illustrated insect field guide A book with an orange and yellow cover featuring a monarch butterfly. Cash 9800 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
Dinosaur Stories A thick green book featuring the silhouette of a T-Rex. Cash 6800 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
Intro to Inking: Squid 101 A thick blue textbook. Cash 1280 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
All of the Math A thick red textbook. Cash 1980 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
small blue towel A small blue folded towel Cash 5980 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
purple towel A purple folded towel. Cash 6980 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
small black towel A small black folded towel. Cash 5980 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
small red towel A small red folded towel with a blue Enperry logo layered on repeating orange Enperry wordmarks. Cash 5980 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
small pink towel A small pink folded towel. Cash 5980 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
brown towel A brown folded towel. Cash 6980 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
Great Zapfish A miniature version of the Great Zapfish model seen in Shellendorf Institute Cash 100000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
mersquid statue A stylized miniature "mersquid" (squid-mermaid) sculpture. Cash 30000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
lime water bottle A green insulated water bottle with a black cap featuring a squid pattern. Cash 21000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
sunset water bottle An insulated water bottle featuring an orange-purple gradient. Cash 21000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
dark water bottle A black insulated water bottle with a purple cap. Cash 21000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
energy water bottle A yellow insulated water bottle with a black cap. Cash 21000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
passion-fruit water bottle An insulated water bottle featuring a pink-orange gradient and a Tentatek logo. Cash 21000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
mocha squid friend A light-brown stylized elongated squid plush doll reminiscent of a Furby, specifically the "Long Furby" meme. Cash 25000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
chestnut squid friend A spotted pale-brown stylized elongated squid plush doll reminiscent of a Furby, specifically the "Long Furby" meme. Cash 25000 Saison des averses 2023 5.0.0
bundle of simple letters Several beige letters bound with twine. Cash 3000 Saison du frimas 2023 (6.0.0)
bundle of air-mail letters Several postcard-style letters bound with twine. Cash 3000 Saison du frimas 2023 (6.0.0)
bundle of antique letters Several faded letters bound with twine. Cash 3000 Saison du frimas 2023 (6.0.0)


Les objets de décorations obtenus depuis le catalogue sont tous disponibles chez Coolypso et dans le Capsulomate une fois débloqués.

Item Name Description Availability Price
yellow squid bumper A yellow Squid Bumper. Saison des averses 2022 Catalogue level 10 Cash 2480
octo-brain closed charm A closed version of the octo-brain charm. Saison des averses 2022 Catalogue level 27 Cash 11111
ultra squid A PVC [1] action figure of "Ultra Squid", a superhero character with an orange-and-white outfit. The character resembles the tokusatsu superhero Ultraman. Saison des averses 2022 Catalogue level 45 Cash 50505
Chum bobblehead A bobblehead quadruped Chum figure. Saison des averses 2022 Catalogue level 62 Cash 14890
monkey-crab cushion A plush cushion shaped like the "monkey crab" character. Saison des averses 2022 Catalogue level 74 Cash 17800
octo-brain charm A charm showing an octopus with its mantle cut in half, revealing a brain resembling a human's. Saison des averses 2022 Catalogue level 92 Cash 22222
mango juice box A small mango juicebox. Saison du frimas 2022 Catalogue level 11 Cash 7590
blue-lid lunch box A small blue-lidded Tupperware-style container with food inside. Saison du frimas 2022 Catalogue level 32 Cash 8311
purple loose-leaf binder A purple loose-leaf style binder with a squid sticker on its front and a logo on its spine. Saison du frimas 2022 Catalogue level 44 Cash 12500
mesh drawstring bag An orange drawstring backpack with a logo on its front. Saison du frimas 2022 Catalogue level 63 Cash 7239
aqua water bottle A blue insulated water bottle with a black cap. Saison du frimas 2022 Catalogue level 72 Cash 21000
navy backpack A navy blue backpack with pins. Saison du frimas 2022 Catalogue level 98 Cash 69390
fish-bone paintbrush stand A small jar covered in stickers containing six paintbrushes. Saison des bourgeons 2023 Catalogue level 11 Cash 1111
vivid test tubes Test tubes containing purple and yellow liquid within an acrylic holder. Saison des bourgeons 2023 Catalogue level 32 Cash 1117
white towel A folded white towel. Saison des bourgeons 2023 Catalogue level 44 Cash 6980
cool lacrosse stick A cool lacrosse stick. Saison des bourgeons 2023 Catalogue level 63 Cash 10101
brown basketball A brown basketball. Saison des bourgeons 2023 Catalogue level Cash 55555
SG-G2TS electric guitar A large electric guitar Saison des bourgeons 2023 Catalogue level 98 Cash 158000
Play & Observe A Donkey Kong Jr.-inspired Game & Watch. Saison du soleil 2023 Catalogue level 11 Cash 5800
Intended Entertainment System A Nintendo Entertainment System. Saison du soleil 2023 Catalogue level 32 Cash 14800
Supreme Ness A North American Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Saison du soleil 2023 Catalogue level 44 Cash 25000
eight-squared game system A dark gray Nintendo 64. Saison du soleil 2023 Catalogue level 63 Cash 25000
see-through Game Youth A clear Game Boy Color. Saison du soleil 2023 Catalogue level 72 Cash 8900
cubic gaming system An indigo GameCube with attached Game Boy Player. Saison du soleil 2023 Catalogue level 98 Cash 25000
Splatfest Float tail A miniature version of Frye's Splatfest Float. Saison des averses 2023 Catalogue level 11 Cash 98000
floor cushion A patterned orange cushion resembling the ones Shiver and Frye sit upon in their studio during Anarchy Splatcasts. Saison des averses 2023 Catalogue level 27 Cash 32100
Splatfest Float torso A miniature version of Big Man's Splatfest Float. Saison des averses 2023 Catalogue level 49 Cash 98000
studio TV A miniature version of the TV Big Man holds during Anarchy Splatcasts. Saison des averses 2023 Catalogue level 67 Cash 133333
Splatfest Float head A miniature version of Shiver's Splatfest Float. Saison des averses 2023 Catalogue level 82 Cash 98000
neon Deep Cut sign A miniature version of the circular orange neon sign bearing Deep Cut's logo seen inside their studio. Saison des averses 2023 Catalogue level 98 Cash 33333
bundle of love letters Several decorated white and pink letters bound with pink twine. Saison du frimas 2023 Catalogue level 11 Cash 3000
tall coffee to go A plain disposable paper coffee cup with a coffee sleeve. Saison du frimas 2023 Catalogue level 27 Cash 980
coffee siphon An empty vacuum coffee maker. Saison du frimas 2023 Catalogue level 49 Cash 49800
lantern An andon style lantern. Saison du frimas 2023 Catalogue level 67 Cash 10600
round white cushion A small white rounded cushion. Saison du frimas 2023 Catalogue level 82 Cash 34800
DJ snow globe A snowglobe containing a miniature figurine of DJ Octavio wearing his Le retour des mammifériens headgear. Saison du frimas 2023 Catalogue level 97 Cash 80808
white squid cushion A white squid cushion. Saison des bourgeons 2024 Catalogue level 11 Cash 9980
flower vase A tall white flower vase containing lillies. Saison des bourgeons 2024 Catalogue level 27 Cash 5800
toaster A white toaster containing two squid-shaped pieces of toast. Saison des bourgeons 2024 Catalogue level 49 Cash 10100
white coral A small piece of off-white bleached coral as seen in the Order Sector. Saison des bourgeons 2024 Catalogue level 67 Cash 35150
sampler A white sampler with an octopus-shaped pattern in the middle. Saison des bourgeons 2024 Catalogue level 82 Cash 32600
Squidlion A squid-lion statue. Saison des bourgeons 2024 Catalogue level 97 Cash 65000
squid stacking rings Saison du soleil 2024 Catalogue level 11 Cash 8888
car pull toy Saison du soleil 2024 Catalogue level 27 Cash 10101
rocking seahorse Saison du soleil 2024 Catalogue level 49 Cash 6000
Char Jahead balloon Saison du soleil 2024 Catalogue level 67 Cash 20000
giant squidbot Saison du soleil 2024 Catalogue level 82 Cash 9800
Salmonid Snapper Saison du soleil 2024 Catalogue level 97 Cash 39390


  • The Chum bobblehead decoration item is a folk toy from a certain region. It is believed to ward off evil spirits.[1]
  • The Mister and Missus Shrug characters seen on various decoration items are from a popular cartoon series. The purchasable figures of them were used for publicity and then bought by Hotlantis.[1]
  • The Mister Munchy character seen on various decoration items is the mascot of a popular snack brand.[1] The character's design and use as a logo parodies the Pringles logo.
  • The monkey-crab cushion decoration items were at one point given out via a lottery to participants that collected the barcodes from "monkey-crab" branded cereal boxes.[1]
  • The mug decoration items are novelty items, some of which have not been on the market for a long time and have become valuable.[1]
  • The Sea Snail Man decoration items are PVC figures of a character from a foreign cartoon. The toys are old but still very popular with a particular group.[1]
  • The Squid Bumper decoration items are inspired by the test range targets.[1]
  • The squid cushion decoration items resemble real-life merch of the same name produced by Sanei. Similar plush cushions were produced alongside the release of Splatoon and Splatoon 2.
  • The Squid Friend decoration items are toys that can talk and sing when spoken to. They are designed for children, but are popular among adults as well.[1] They are based on Furbies.
    • The elongated appearance of the cotton-candy squid friend decoration is a reference to the "long Furby" meme.
  • The liquid inside the marbled test tubes decoration resembles Fuzzy Ooze.
  • The Ultra Squid decoration item is a PVC figure of a superhero with multiple TV series. The specific figure is a character from the "original" series, not the "new" series airing at the current time during Splatoon 3.[1] The figure parodies Ultraman.
  • The video game items are both new console and old console titles.[1] Some resemble Nintendo Switch games, others Famicom or Super Famicom games. Some of them are considered a "lucky find", implying that they are uncommon.[1] Certain video game decoration items are based on the box art of specific real games:
    • Commander Cephaloid, The Squid Ninja Story and Volley Volley Panic resemble Famicom/NES games.
    • Octo Kong Country, Super Squid Collection and Tentacube in Octo-D! resemble Super Famicom/SNES games.
    • Contain the Kraken, Monkey Crab in Silly Land and Tentacle Nights resemble Nintendo Switch games.
  • The exact video game console Decorations added in Saison du soleil 2023 can be found in miscellaneous Octo Expansion stations.
  • The logo seen on the café au lait and tall coffee to go decorations is a parody of the Starbucks logo, wherein the mermaid character has been replaced with a squid.
  • The white squid cushion item was first shown in the Saison du frimas 2023 trailer, despite being added a season later in Saison des bourgeons 2024.
  • The Salmonid Snapper decoration item is based on the Crocodile Dentist children's game.

Noms dans d'autres langues

Dû au grand nombre de noms d'objets dévoilés dans cette section, les informations sont gardées sur ce tableur.
