Super Mollusque
Une page d'Inkipédia, le wiki Splatoon
Splatoon 3
Super Mollusque, 242, 280, 3, 0, 212, 35, 153, 242, 37, 314, 276, 39, 484, 214, 27, 635, 241, 36, 789, 274, 48, 945, 218, 21, 1110, 239, 38, 1265, 270, 60, 1404, 221, 17, 1579, 237, 43, 1737, 265, 63, 1885, 225, 15, 2065, 235, 49, 2220, 260, 63, 2379, 229, 15, 2559, 236, 52, 2712, 254, 64, 2880, 233, 19, 3055, 238, 53, 3207, 248, 67, 3378, 237, 25, 3544, 239, 56, 3691, 243, 71, 3861, 240, 36, 4013, 240, 62, 4150, 237, 77, 4315, 244, 45, 4453, 241, 68, 4588, 231, 84, 4743, 246, 44, 4876, 241, 70, 5013, 226, 92, 5160, 249, 35, 5304, 240, 60, 5453, 221, 83, 5607, 251, 28, 5763, 239, 50, 5922, 217, 71, 6083, 252, 22, 6248, 237, 42, 6413, 214, 61, 6576, 252, 19, 6747, 236, 36, 6914, 211, 52, 7076, 251, 17, 7250, 233, 31, 7419, 208, 43, 7583, 249, 19, 7768, 231, 28, 7943, 207, 37, 8108, 246, 24, 8299, 228, 28, 8474, 206, 32, 8636, 243, 31, 8826, 226, 31, 8997, 207, 30, 9153, 238, 42, 9335, 223, 36, 9497, 209, 30, 9643, 233, 56, 9813, 220, 44, 9962, 211, 31, 10107, 230, 57, 10274, 219, 52, 10410, 214, 35, 10551, 226, 51, 10720, 220, 44, 10863, 217, 41, 10997, 221, 47, 11163, 222, 38, 11309, 222, 31, 11450, 218, 45, 11610, 223, 35, 11755, 227, 22, 11901, 215, 45, 12053, 225, 34, 12195, 233, 14, 12344, 212, 46, 12492, 226, 35, 12627, 239, 7, 12777, 211, 49, 12932, 228, 37, 13067, 244, 2, 13215, 211, 54, 13374, 231, 41, 13518, 251, 0, 13673, 210, 61, 13832, 233, 36, 13991, 257, 0, 14161, 209, 62, 14322, 237, 34, 14492, 263, 3, 14672, 208, 57, 14838, 239, 32, 15016, 269, 2, 15208, 207, 55, 15374, 241, 31, 15555, 272, 5, 15753, 207, 52, 15917, 243, 32, 16097, 276, 12, 16292, 207, 50, 16450, 244, 37, 16622, 277, 24, 16809, 209, 45, 16963, 243, 39, 17128, 277, 32, 252, 280, 3, 0, 253, 19, 173, 236, 37, 349, 211, 56, 524, 252, 15, 704, 234, 31, 883, 207, 47, 1056, 251, 13, 1240, 231, 26, 1420, 204, 39, 1595, 249, 14, 1791, 229, 24, 1976, 203, 33, 2151, 246, 18, 2353, 226, 24, 2539, 203, 28, 2711, 242, 24, 2914, 224, 24, 3097, 204, 24, 3264, 239, 35, 3460, 221, 28, 3636, 205, 23, 3795, 235, 49, 3978, 219, 36, 4141, 208, 24, 4300, 231, 62, 4468, 218, 47, 4615, 210, 28, 4769, 228, 56, 4940, 220, 49, 5084, 214, 36, 5229, 224, 52, 5397, 222, 44, 5544, 219, 33, 5688, 221, 49, 5849, 224, 40, 5996, 224, 24, 6146, 218, 49, 6301, 226, 39, 6444, 231, 14, 6598, 217, 51, 6753, 228, 39, 6889, 237, 7, 7044, 216, 54, 7209, 230, 42, 7357, 244, 1, 7514, 216, 59, 7683, 233, 46, 7840, 251, 0, 8015, 215, 66, 8183, 237, 41, 8356, 257, 0, 8546, 214, 67, 8717, 240, 38, 8900, 263, 4, 9098, 213, 62, 9274, 242, 36, 9464, 268, 7, 9669, 212, 59, 9845, 244, 35, 10037, 272, 9, 10246, 212, 56, 10421, 246, 37, 10611, 275, 16, 10818, 212, 55, 10987, 247, 42, 11171, 277, 28, 11371, 215, 49, 11537, 247, 44, 11714, 277, 37, 11906, 216, 40, 12070, 246, 41, 12243, 276, 44, 12426, 220, 32, 12587, 244, 41, 12751, 273, 53, 12919, 223, 25, 13086, 243, 43, 13242, 270, 64, 13392, 227, 21, 13568, 240, 48, 13727, 265, 68, 13878, 230, 19, 14059, 238, 54, 14215, 260, 68, 14379, 234, 20, 14560, 239, 57, 14715, 253, 69, 14888, 238, 23, 15065, 240, 58, 15219, 247, 71, 15396, 241, 30, 15564, 240, 61, 15712, 240, 76, 15888, 244, 40, 16041, 240, 66, 16179, 234, 82, 16349, 247, 47, 16490, 240, 73, 16626, 228, 88, 16786, 250, 43, 16926, 240, 65, 17074, 222, 88, 17230, 252, 33, 17382, 239, 55, 17542, 217, 77, 17708, 253, 25, 17872, 238, 45, 18042, 214, 66
Type d'arme
Arme spéciale
Catégorie d'arme
Arme secondaire
Arme spéciale
Points spécial
Baisse de la jauge
Vitesse de charge
Vitesse d'encrage
Dégâts de base
60 (Contact) 35-45 (Éclaboussures)
Durée de base
10 sec
Consommation d'encre
Portée de base
Rythme de tir
Vitesse de tir
Précision de base
MPU effect
SPU effect
SPU effect
Autre variante
Noms dans d'autres langues
Japonais |
ショクワンダー shokuwandā |
Anglais |
Zipcaster |
Allemand |
Haftsprung |
From haften ("to adhere") and Sprung ("jump")
Espagnol |
Gancho tentacular |
From gancho ("[grappling] hook"), tentáculo ("tentacle"), and espectacular ("spectacular")
Italien |
Molluscatto |
From mollusco ("mollusk") and scatto ("dash")
Néerlandais |
Tentakabel |
Russe |
Краскотрос Kraskotros |
Ink cable
Chinois (Simplifié) |
触手喷射 chùshǒu pēnshè (Mandarin) |
Tentacle spray
Chinois (Traditionnel) |
觸手噴射 chùshǒu pēnshè (Mandarin) |
Tentacle spray
Coréen |
쇼크 원더 syokeu wondeo |
Identifiant interne |
SpSuperHook[1] |
Sp for special weapon and SuperHook is in reference to the superhero grappling hook
Notes de traduction
- ↑ From 触腕 shokuwan ("tentacle") and the suffix -er. Also reminiscent of the words "shock" and "wonder"