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Multiple color chips placed on a Palette.
OK, Pearl. Now check out what happens when you set this color chip into that Palette.

Color chips are a new feature introduced in Splatoon 3: Tour de l'Ordre. They were first revealed during the Tour de l'Ordre gameplay trailer[1] shown during the Nintendo Direct on 14 septembre 2023.

Color chips enhance Agent 8 and the Pearl Drone's abilities when placed within a Palette. There are sixty-two color chips to collect, and an additional six chips which can only be temporarily obtained.


Agent 8 observing a Mobility-tone color chip before inserting it into a palette.

Color chips are small, slightly translucent, plastic squares of various colors attached to a thinner, small strip of white plastic that lists some text. When inserted into a palette, the white segment is snapped off. Color chips strongly resemble Pantone's color system wherein individual colors are displayed as squares with white labels underneath, sometimes sold as plastic chips. Similarly labelled square samples of colors called swatches are used in various design industries.

Color chips are sorted into six tone groups; each group contains three tones which differ slightly from one another in hue. Each tone group has an associated pattern shared between all individual tones (for example, color chip Lucky 1 Lucky Tone A chips share their pattern with color chip Lucky 2 Lucky Tone B chips and color chip Lucky 3 Lucky Tone C chips). There are a total of eighteen possible differently colored color chips.


Different color chips apply different abilities to Agent 8 and the Pearl Drone when placed inside a Palette. They can grant gear-like abilities like Run Speed Up, unique abilities like higher Ink Damage, and additions to the Pearl Drone's attacks like the use of sub and special weapons. Depending on how many color chips of the same type are placed inside a Palette, abilities get amplified further, allowing players flexibility in strengthening their character.

Each Palette has an increased likelihood of receiving chips of two specific tones. Some color chips are exclusive to certain Palettes, while most of the Drone color chips become available through Marina's hacks.

If the player completely fills their Palette, floors no longer offer color chips as rewards. Instead, the player earns small amounts of Prlz on the floor selected based on the difficulty of the floor:

Difficulty Prlz gained
Easy Prlz 1
Normal Prlzs 2
Hard Prlzs 3
Rigorous Prlzs 5

Color chips can also provide another way of providing Prlz: collecting and clearing a floor with a chip for the first time nets three Prlz per new chip, which is collected by pressing and going into the Color-Chip Collection tab while in the elevator, and while outside the Spire.

Much like the Jelleton Field Guide, the Color-Chip Collection describes the chips' effects and contains color commentary from Acht, Marina, and Pearl, which are unlocked in that order by collecting multiple copies of any given color chip over the player's attempts up the Spire of Order, which are indicated by the amount of lights. No reward is given by getting all the color commentary notes for individual chips, but if all the color chips of a certain grouping of color chips within any given tone have reached Lv. 3 notes, players earn a commemorative badge of that color chip group to decorate their Splashtags.

Favored tone rate

Color-chip bias Common tones
Primary Secondary
Slight Bias 1.5×
High Bias

Effects on the player's ink color

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The color chips placed in Agent 8's active Palette will affect their ink color. Typically the ink color matches the color of the most common tone within the Palette; the second most common tone's color affects the tips of Agent 8's tentacles and hands as well as the design pattern seen on the ink in addition to giving a slight tint of that secondary tone's color to the main ink color. During the first floors of the tower, Agent 8 starts with the sepia color they had in the Foyer, where the first couple of color chips will only affect the secondary part of Agent 8's ink with the pattern and slight tint. But as they gather more color chips, they will affect the main ink color as well as providing the secondary effects.

The ink color system generally follows these set of rules:

  • The more color chips of one tone, the higher that tone's color is prioritized.
  • If two tones have an equal amount of color chips, the tone that was added first is prioritized.
  • If all of the tones in the Palette have the same amount (with four or more color chips), the game reverts back to the Foyer's ink color and the first color chip's design.
  • When having only one of the same color chip tone, the main ink color will be the Foyer's ink. The color chip will only provide the secondary effects.
  • When having two or more of the same color chip tone, the main ink color will match the color of the chip instead of the Foyer's ink given it's the most plentiful in the Palette.
  • If Agent 8 only has multiple color chips of one tone but only one of any other color chip tone, the secondary effects will not show, only giving a red tint at the tip of the tentacles but not show any patterns or tint on the ink.
  • The secondary effects will only show again once Agent 8 has at least two tones of any other color chip if they already have a tone of their main color.

The following table provides an example for how adding color chips of different tones affects Agent 8's ink color.

Color Chip effects on ink
Color Chips in Palette Results
Color Chip 1 Color Chip 2 Color Chip 3 Color Chip 4 Ink Secondary


According to Marina's Dev Diary, color chips are data constructs derived from the mem cakes extracted and stored by Kamabo Co. Each color chip is associated with a certain thought or memory, and is essentially a mem cake converted to raw computer data that could be implanted into a Palette, which is a person's soul, through the Memverse.

Originally, Marina intended for the Memverse to be a virtual medium through which users could locate memories that belong to them using the color-chip system. Users would sift through a variety of color chips, and select the ones most familiar to them: their original memories. The Memverse would be powered by mainframe computers sourced from Kamabo Co, and the objectives seen in Side Order are intended to be tasks to help boost memory retention. Completing the top floor would mean that the memory-processing procedure was a success, with the user's soul restored to its original state.

Types of color chips

There are 68 different color chips and each belong to one of six categories: Power, Support, Range, Mobility, Lucky, and Drone.

Each category has three groups called a tone. Each tone has a unique pattern and hue associated to it that affects the player's ink. Additionally, there is one chip of each category which forms the "Spectrum" category of chips.

Color chips (barring the Spectrum ones) can be viewed in the Color-Chip Collection. Leveling up each unique chip by setting the same chip in a Palette during a run will unlock additional flavor text for that ability. Completing each chip in a tone unlocks a badge for that tone.

Most of the Drone chips are only available via Marina's hacks, which is available for purchase after enough attempts or reaching a certain point up the Spire of Order, while the Spectrum chips are only obtainable during the Epic Battle against Overlorder.


Article principal: Power-tone color chips

Power-tone color chips increase Agent 8's attack damage for certain damage types and under certain conditions, as well as attack speed.

Tone Ability Description Max. Availability
Dégâts d'encre Increases damage from all weapons and the Pearl Drone. 9 All Palettes
Dégâts d'éclaboussure Increases damage dealt by explosives. 9
Dégâts sonores Increases damage dealt by sound waves from the Killer Wail 5.1, Wave Breaker, or Pearl Drone. 5
Vitesse de tir principale Increases your main weapon's firing rate. 5 Perle's Palette, Coralie's Palette, Numéro 4's Palette, Ayo's Palette, Raimi's Palette, Tipik's Palette, Cartouche's Palette, Eight Eight's Palette
Vitesse de frappe horizontale Increases your Splatana's horizontal-slash rate. 5 Frye Frye's Palette
Salve du badigeonneur Increases the number of shots fired from a single charge with a splatling. 5 DJ Octavio DJ Octavio's Palette
Dégâts de la principale (de près) Increases damage dealt with your main weapon's shots to close targets. 5 All Palettes
Dégâts de la principale (de loin) Increases damage dealt with your main weapon's shots to far-off targets. 5
Encre empoisonnée Increases the damage enemies take when they're on your ink. 5


Article principal: Support-tone color chips

Support-tone color chips focus on ink efficiency, crowd control, targeting, and certain weapon-specific attributes.

Tone Ability Description Max. Availability
Recharge d'encre Increases Ink-tank refill rate. 5 All Palettes
Encrémenteur (principale) Decreases amount of ink consumed by your main weapon. 5
Encrémenteur (secondaire) Decreases amount of ink consumed by your sub weapon. 5
Récup d'encre Refill ink by defeating enemies. 5
Encre gluante Decreases the movement speed of enemies on your ink. 5
Vade retro Attacks from your main weapon push enemies away. Does not affect certain heavy enemies. 5 Pearl Pearl's Palette, Marina Marina's Palette, Agent 4 Agent 4's Palette, Callie Callie's Palette, Marie Marie's Palette, Shiver Shiver's Palette, Frye Frye's Palette, Big Man Big Man's Palette, Sheldon Sheldon's Palette, DJ Octavio DJ Octavio's Palette, Eight Eight's Palette
Vade retro explosif Increases the distance enemies are blown back by explosions. 5 All Palettes
Dispersion diminuée Reduces the shot spread on your main weapon. 5 Pearl Pearl's Palette, Marina Marina's Palette, Agent 4 Agent 4's Palette, Murch Murch's Palette, DJ Octavio DJ Octavio's Palette, Eight Eight's Palette
Tirs traqueurs Causes your main weapon to track targets. Having two or more improves the tracking. 5 All Palettes
Charge rapide Increases your main weapon's charge speed. 5 Marie Marie's Palette, Shiver Shiver's Palette, Frye Frye's Palette, DJ Octavio DJ Octavio's Palette
Para-encre ancré Prevents the brella shield from launching, allowing you to keep shooting with it open. 1 Marina Marina's Palette
Récup Para-encre Speeds up brella canopy regeneration after the brella shield is launched or broken. 5 Marina Marina's Palette
Recharge en cours de tir Allows you to begin a new splatling charge before the previous charge is depleted. 1 DJ Octavio DJ Octavio's Palette


Article principal: Range-tone color chips

Range-tone color chips affect attack range, ink coverage, and bonuses for inking turf.

Tone Ability Description Max. Availability
Portée principale Increases your main weapon's range. 5 All Palettes
Rayon d'éclaboussage Increases the radius of damage and turf inked by explosions. 5
Transpercement principal Your main weapon's shots pierce enemies, with damage decreasing per enemy. More chips mean more enemies pierced. 5 Pearl Pearl's Palette, Marina Marina's Palette, Agent 4 Agent 4's Palette, Callie Callie's Palette, Shiver Shiver's Palette, Frye Frye's Palette, Big Man Big Man's Palette, Murch Murch's Palette, Sheldon Sheldon's Palette, DJ Octavio DJ Octavio's Palette, Eight Eight's Palette
Attaque principale + Increases the size of your main weapon's shots, making it easier to hit enemies. 5 All Palettes
Grande surface Allows you to ink more turf with your main weapon's shots. 5 Pearl Pearl's Palette, Marina Marina's Palette, Agent 4 Agent 4's Palette, Callie Callie's Palette, Marie Marie's Palette, Shiver Shiver's Palette, Frye Frye's Palette, Big Man Big Man's Palette, Sheldon Sheldon's Palette, DJ Octavio DJ Octavio's Palette, Eight Eight's Palette
Course à l'encre Allows you to ink more turf with your main weapon while moving, such as with a roller, a brush, or a launched brella canopy. 5 Marina Marina's Palette, Callie Callie's Palette, Sheldon Sheldon's Palette
Charge spéciale Increases special-gauge fill rate from inking surfaces. 5 All Palettes
Jauge drone par encrage Fills the drone gauge by inking surfaces. 5
Combo chance par encrage Inking the ground adds to the Lucky Chain. 5
Dégâts d'entrave Increases damage dealt to enemies when they're slowed by your ink or Toxic Mist. 5


Article principal: Mobility-tone color chips

Mobility-tone color chips enhance movement options and attacks which deal contact damage, add damaging hitboxes to movement options, and allow gauges to be charged by moving.

Tone Ability Description Max. Availability
Turbo-calamar Increases movement speed in swim form. 5 All Palettes
Course à pied Increases movement speed in Octoling form. 5
Accélencrage Increases movement speed when moving while inking with a roller or brush. 5 Callie Callie's Palette, Sheldon Sheldon's Palette
Esquive bonus Increases the number of times you can Dodge Roll with dualies. 5 Pearl Pearl's Palette
Charge conservée Allows you to store a charge. Having two or more of this color chip increases how long the charge can be stored. 5 Marie Marie's Palette, Shiver Shiver's Palette, DJ Octavio DJ Octavio's Palette
Attaque rapido Increases the damage dealt by rushing attacks, like Reefslider and inking while moving with a roller or brush. 9 All Palettes
Vade retro rapido Push enemies further with rushing attacks, like Reefslider, inking while moving with a roller or brush, etc. 5
Calamattaque Causes Squid Rolls and Squid Surges to deal damage. This damage is increased by having the Rush Attack color chip. 1
Esquive d'attaque Causes a dodge roll with dualies to deal damage. This damage is increased by having the Rush Attack color chip. 1 Pearl Pearl's Palette
Attaque plongeante Causes a lunge with a charged splatana swipe to deal damage. This damage is increased by having the Rush Attack color chip. 1 Frye Frye's Palette
Recharge spéciale mobile Fills the special gauge by moving. 5 All Palettes
Jauge du drone mobile Fills the drone gauge by moving. 5
Recharge d'encre mobile Refills ink by moving. 5


Article principal: Lucky-tone color chips

Lucky-tone color chips improve item drop-rates when splatting enemies and the effectiveness of Lucky Chains.

Tone Ability Description Max. Availability
Butin d'armure Increases the chances of enemies dropping armor. Armor will absorb damage and break so you don't lose a life. 5 All Palettes
Butin de cartouche d'encre Increases the chances of enemies dropping ink bottles. An ink bottle fills half of your ink tank. 5
Butin de boîte de conserve Increases the chances of enemies dropping Canned Specials. A canned special fills half of the special gauge. 5
Butin de batterie du drone Increases the chance of enemies dropping drone batteries. A drone battery fills the drone gauge by 100 points. 5
Butin de bombe chance Increases the chances of enemies dropping Lucky Bombs. Lucky Bombs explode from the closest enemy to the farthest. 5
Butin de fragment de disque Increases the chances of enemies dropping disc pieces. Get three, and the Pearl Drone's Step-Off Song will temporarily close portals. 5
Délai du combo chance Increases the duration of a Lucky Chain. The larger the chain, the more likely enemies are to drop items. 5
Plafond du combo chance Increases the Lucky Chain maximum. The longer the chain, the more likely enemies are to drop items. 5


Article principal: Drone-tone color chips

Drone-tone color chips add abilities to the Pearl Drone and enhance the rate at which they can be used.

Tone Ability Description Max. Availability
Bombe splash du drone Allows the Pearl Drone to use Splat Bombs. Having two or more of this color chip reduces the required points accordingly. 5 All Palettes
Bombe ballon du drone Allows the Pearl Drone to use Burst Bombs. Having two or more of this color chip reduces the required points accordingly. 5
Haut-perceur du drone Allows the Pearl Drone to use a Killer Wail. Having two or more of this color chip reduces the required points accordingly. 5
Missile tornade du drone Allows the Pearl Drone to use a Inkstrike. Having two or more of this color chip reduces the required points accordingly. 5
Mine du drone Allows the Pearl Drone to use Ink Mines. Having two or more of this color chip reduces the required points accordingly. 5
Fontaine du drone Allows the Pearl Drone to spray ink. Having two or more of this color chip reduces the required points accordingly. 5
Objets du drone Allows the Pearl Drone to generate items. Having two or more of this color chip reduces the required points accordingly. 5
Charge de jauge du drone Increases drone-gauge fill rate. 5
Jauge drone par liquidation Fills the drone gauge by defeating enemies. 5


Spectrum color chips are highly saturated chips that combine the effects of all other chips of the same color at their strongest potential. These chips can only be obtained during the fourth Overlorder phase, and look similar to the normal chips but with additional markings. They also have fixed positions that they occupy in the Palette, with each color getting a total of six chips.

Ability Description
Power Spectrum A gestalt of the countless thoughts that have been pulled into the Memverse. You feel like you're brimming with strength!
Support Spectrum A gestalt of the countless thoughts that have been pulled into the Memverse. You feel like the world has your back!
Range Spectrum A gestalt of the countless thoughts that have been pulled into the Memverse. You feel like nothing is out of reach!
Mobility Spectrum A gestalt of the countless thoughts that have been pulled into the Memverse. You feel like you're everywhere at once!
Lucky Spectrum A gestalt of the countless thoughts that have been pulled into the Memverse. You feel like luck is on your side this time!
Drone Spectrum A gestalt of the countless thoughts that have been pulled into the Memverse. With Pearl by your side, anything is possible!


Here (wherever "here" is in Side Order) you can see a color chip being placed into a Palette device to give Agent 8 an edge in combat. Color chips can do all kinds of things for you, like boosting your damage, widening your area of effect, quickening your steps, and more.

The SRL Color Guard recommends factoring in which color chip is on offer before selecting a floor layout. It's up to each player to decide the best way to develop your Palette over time. The Color Guard likes green, but you do you.

— @SplatoonNA on Twitter[2]



Promotional screenshots


Demonstration videos

Names in other languages

Langue Nom Signification
Japan Japonais カラーチップ
Color Chip
Germany Allemand Farbchip Color chip
SpainMexico Espagnol Cromochip Chrome chip
Italy Italien Scheda colore Color card
Netherlands Néerlandais Kleurenchip Color Chip
Russia Russe Тон-жетон
Tone token
China Chinois 色彩晶片
sècǎi jīngpiàn (Mandarin)
sik1 coi2 zing1 pin2 (Cantonese)
Color Chip
South Korea Coréen 커러 칩
keol-luh chibp
Color Chip


Langue Nom Signification
Germany Allemand Kraft Power
SpainMexico Espagnol Potencia Power
Italy Italien Potenza Power
Netherlands Néerlandais Kracht Strength
Russia Russe Сила
China Chinois (Simplifié) 力量
Lì liàng
South Korea Coréen 파워
Langue Nom Signification
Germany Allemand Unterstützung Support
Mexico Espagnol (NOA) Apoyo Support
Spain Espagnol (NOE) Ayuda Support, help
Italy Italien Supporto Support
Netherlands Néerlandais Ondersteuning Support
Russia Russe Поддержка
China Chinois (Simplifié) 支援
Zhī yuán
South Korea Coréen 서포트
Langue Nom Signification
Germany Allemand Reichweite Range
SpainMexico Espagnol Alcance Range
Italy Italien Gittata Range
Netherlands Néerlandais Bereik Reach
Russia Russe Дальнобойность
Long range
China Chinois (Simplifié) 范围
Fàn wéi
South Korea Coréen 레인지
Langue Nom Signification
Germany Allemand Beweglichkeit Mobility
SpainMexico Espagnol Movilidad Mobility
Italy Italien Praticità Praticality
Netherlands Néerlandais Beweeglijkheid Mobility
Russia Russe Мобильность
China Chinois (Simplifié) 移动
Yí dòng
South Korea Coréen 무브
Langue Nom Signification
Germany Allemand Glück Luck
SpainMexico Espagnol Fortuna Fortune
Italy Italien Fortuna Luck
Netherlands Néerlandais Geluk Good luck
Russia Russe Удачливость
China Chinois (Simplifié) 幸运
Xìng yùn
South Korea Coréen 럭키
Langue Nom Signification
Germany Allemand Drohne Drone
SpainMexico Espagnol Dron Drone
Italy Italien Drone -
Netherlands Néerlandais Drone -
Russia Russe Дрон
China Chinois (Simplifié) 无人机
Wú rén jī
South Korea Coréen 드론
