« Super saut » : différence entre les versions

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A circular marker appears on the landing spot which is visible to everybody, unless the visibility is altered by Stealth Jump. This marker has the player's name written on it and an arrow above it pointing down. The arrow has a meter built in gauge that resembles [[ink]] in a tank. The closer the player is to landing, the less "ink" is shown in the arrow. Players can use this to gauge how close their opponent is, meaning they can release an attack at the exact moment of landing, or toss a [[bomb]] with careful timing so that it will explode at the moment of landing.
Un indicateur circulaire apparaît à l'endroit d'atterrissage qui est visible par tout le monde, sauf si sa visibilité est modifié par [[{{Français|bonus|Stealth Jump}}]]. Cet indicateur a le nom du joueur marqué dessus et une flèche au dessus pointant vers le bas. La flèche a une jauge intégrée qui ressemble a de l'[[encre]] dans un réservoir. Plus le joueur se rapproche de son atterrissage, moins l'"encre" dans la flèche sera présente. Les joueurs peuvent s'en servir pour repérer à quel moment le joueur atterrira, ce qui veut dire qu'ils peuvent lancer une attaque au moment exact où le joueur finit son super saut, ou bien lancer une [[bombe]] à un timing précis pour qu'elle explose au moment fatidique.

==Multiplayer matches==
==Multiplayer matches==

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Pour the special weapon in Splatoon 3, voir Super Chump.
View from width=auto of a player Super Jumping back to the spawn point.

Super sauter est une compétence qui permet aux Inklings et Octalings de sauter très haut dans les airs afin d'atterrir autre part. Les super sauts sont utilisés dans divers contextes, comme se déplacer dans des zones de la carte ou en rejoignant un allié dans des matchs en ligne.

Vue d'ensemble

Quand un Inkling ou un Octaling commence un super saut, il s'accroupit en forme calamar ou poulpe, pointe vers le haut (et dans le cas d'un poulpe, il enroule ses tentacules vers l'extérieur) et commence à charger le super saut. Pendant cet état, ils ne peuvent pas bouger et sont vulnérables aux attaques ennemis, même s'il est possible de changer la durée du lancement avec des bonus. Les joueurs utilisant la Chromo-sphère, le Jolizator, le Lance-bulles, l'Aspirencre, le Kraken royal, la Cavalsquale, le Choc chromatique, le Triple choc chromatique, la Pigmalance, le Lance-rafales, ou l'Ultra-tamponneur ne peuvent pas super sauter. Les joueurs tenant une Pluie d'encre, un Districool, un Multi-missile, un Trimissile tornade, un Sonar paf, ou des Multi-leurres ne peuvent super sauter tant qu'ils n'ont pas placer leur spécial.

Quand le joueur super saute, il s'élève très haut dans les airs jusqu'à sa destination. Cet arc est bien trop haut pour que les tirs adverses ne l'atteigne, même si dans tous les cas le joueur est invulnérable lorsqu'il super saute (même si le lag peut faire en sorte que le joueur se fasse éliminer peu après avoir décollé). Le temps que prend un super saut reste toujours le même qu'importe la distance, mais peut être modifié avec des bonus. L'endroit où ils atterrissent est indiqué pour tous les joueurs, ce qui veut dire que les adversaires peuvent attendre là et en profiter pour les liquider. Cet indicateur peut être dissimulé avec le bonus Réception réussie. Une fois atterri, le joueur peut se déplacer de nouveau, mais il est possible d'utiliser des armes avant d'atterrir. Les armes secondaires ne peuvent pas être utilisés, cependant; même si le joueur peut maintenir et afficher l'indicateur de la trajectoire de l'arme secondaire, elle ne seront déployées qu'une fois atterri.

En super sautant, le joueur peut passer à travers les murs et le sol pour assurer la réussite du super saut.

Les Inklings et Octalings peuvent commencer à charger un super saut pendant une chute libre, cependant ils ne décolleront qu'une fois qu'ils toucheront le sol, pour s'assurer qu'ils ne super sautent pas pour éviter de tomber hors de la carte. Ils peuvent aussi super sauter en nageant le long d'un mur, ce qui les immobilisera sur le mur pour charger, et super sauter normalement. Cela peut être utilisé pour éviter les ennemis qui ne penseraient peut-être pas à regarder sur les murs à temps. Bien que les Inklings et les Octalings traversent les grilles en forme de calamar ou poulpe, cela ne se produira pas s'ils engagent un super saut.


Un indicateur circulaire apparaît à l'endroit d'atterrissage qui est visible par tout le monde, sauf si sa visibilité est modifié par Réception réussie. Cet indicateur a le nom du joueur marqué dessus et une flèche au dessus pointant vers le bas. La flèche a une jauge intégrée qui ressemble a de l'encre dans un réservoir. Plus le joueur se rapproche de son atterrissage, moins l'"encre" dans la flèche sera présente. Les joueurs peuvent s'en servir pour repérer à quel moment le joueur atterrira, ce qui veut dire qu'ils peuvent lancer une attaque au moment exact où le joueur finit son super saut, ou bien lancer une bombe à un timing précis pour qu'elle explose au moment fatidique.

Multiplayer matches

In multiplayer modes, the player can use their map to Super Jump from their current position to a few specific spots, namely the spawn point, a teammate, a Squid Beakon or a Big Bubbler. In Splatoon, this can be done by tapping the respective object on the width=auto map directly or tapping the corresponding button on the right-hand side of the width=auto screen (Squid Beakons do not have buttons). In Splatoon 2 and Splatoon 3, the player can Super Jump by selecting the icon corresponding to the desired target on their map with or by tilting the controller. can be used to quickly select a teammate or the spawn point while the map is open. Teammates can only be selected if they are alive.

In Splatoon, Squid Beakons are immediately destroyed when Super Jumped to. In future games, Beakons can be used up to two times, displaying dots above the beacon equal to their number of remaining uses. Once both dots are gone, the Beakon is destroyed. If a player with Squid Beakons as their sub weapon Super Jumps to a Beakon, it is destroyed regardless of how many dots it had. A Big Bubbler can be jumped to any number of times before the special duration runs out.

The destination can slightly change during a jump in order to accommodate for moving terrain. For instance, jumping to a Beakon or teammate riding on a Tower makes the jumper follow the Tower during the trip and always land on it, instead of where it used to be when the jump started.

When jumping to a teammate, the game considers the landing position to be the last bit of ground the player stood on. Therefore, if a player Super Jumps to a teammate that is swimming on a wall, they instead land on the last part of the ground that the teammate walked on. If the player last stood on the Tower, the landing destination naturally also follows it, meaning that if a player walks on the Tower, then hides in a wall and stays there, their last grounded position will always be the Tower, allowing teammates to jump to the Tower at will. And if a player jumps to a teammate that has an active Inkjet or Zipcaster, they will go to the recall point.[1]

It is impossible to Super Jump with the Rainmaker in hand, but it is possible to Super Jump with certain special weapons activated, including the Kraken and the Bomb Launcher. Jumping to a player that is in the middle of a Super Jump makes the destination match the other player's destination. Technically, a Super Jump only begins when the icon or button is released, not when it is pressed. It is also common that when Super Jumping in Splatoon 2, the player activates the Splashdown in midair, causing the special to occur when landing, splatting any opponents near the landing spot. This can also be done in Splatoon 3 with the Triple Splashdown.


Teammates that are picked to be jumped to receive a notification on their screen with the jumper's name inside an arrow-shaped symbol. Every time the jumping player taps the teammate, the symbol flashes. Because players can tap a teammate while in the respawning animation (which does not allow for a jump), a screen notification does not mean that the player is jumping, but rather that their character got tapped by said player.

A player that gets a notification can use it to assist their oncoming ally by defending the landing position. If the jump has not started yet (which can be distinguished by the notification's sound and a lack of landing marker), the player may also head to safety, to ensure a safer landing for the teammate.


Four abilities exist that influence the Super Jump mechanic.

Réception réussie removes the landing marker, making it possible for a player to jump somewhere without being detected by an enemy. However, teammates are also unable to see the landing marker, which could otherwise be used to help clear the landing for their ally. Tapped teammates still receive a Super Jump notification, however. In Splatoon, this ability also increases the startup time before the player takes off, making them vulnerable to enemy fire for longer. In Splatoon 2, this ability no longer increases the startup time, but players close enough to the landing spot can see the landing marker. This ability is exclusive to shoes.

Aérodynamisme can be used to reduce the time it takes before the player jumps off, and the time the jump itself takes. This ability can be stacked, and is sometimes used to combat Stealth Jump's speed cut.

Arme secondaire +, in conjunction with Squid Beakons, reduces the time it takes for any player to Super Jump to Beakons placed by the player using the ability. This can also be stacked.

Super roulade lets the player do a small dodge roll after landing from a Super Jump, which includes immediately after using an Inkjet or Zipcaster and when jumping to a Squid Beakon or Big Bubbler. This ability is exclusive to shoes. After rolling, the player is equipped with 30 AP (3 Primary Slots) of Run Speed Up, Swim Speed Up and Ink Resistance Up.

Other modes


In the single-player modes, Super Jumps take less time to start, likely because there is no enemy element that forces the player to Super Jump strategically like there is in multiplayer. In the hub world of Octavallée and Octacanyon, the player can select any level's icon in order to Super Jump to its kettle.

Inside a level, Super Jumping can only be performed by turning into a squid or octopus on a launchpad, which takes the player to a predetermined point further ahead in the level. Enemy Octolings can also Super Jump; they start off either in an unknown location or at a spawn point or other fixed location in the stage, and land on predetermined spots to ambush the player. In Octavallée, these Octolings do not appear to have a visible landing marker, but they do in Splatoon 2 and Splatoon 3.

The player's character also automatically Super Jumps away from most bosses in Splatoon and Splatoon 2 after destroying the large tentacle that appears in each of its battle cycles, or after sufficiently damaging the boss character in Splatoon 3.

In Splatoon 3 after Smallfry is splatted by falling into the abyss, they will Super Jump back to the player.

Battle Dojo

In the Battle Dojo, grabbing a canned special has one of its random effects cause both players to switch places by Super Jumping.

Salmon Run

In Salmon Run and Salmon Run Next Wave, there are scripted Super Jumps at the start of each wave to an affixed starting point, affecting all players. It is not possible to view the map and jump to a teammate in this mode. After clearing wave three, all players are seen Super Jumping back to a boat with a large antenna (in Splatoon 2) or a helicopter (in Splatoon 3).

In other games

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Main article: Super Jump

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Super Jump is Inkling's up special move. Using it makes the Inkling leap into the air before falling back down in a helpless state. During the move, the player can slightly control the angle of the Super Jump. It also deals damage and applies ink to any nearby opponents when initially leaping as well as landing.


  • Due to lag in online matches, it is possible to see a player be splatted during a Super Jump while the player is in the air, despite all players normally being invulnerable mid-jump.
  • There is a launchpad at the end of the tutorial in both Splatoon and Splatoon 2, having the player Super Jump to each game's main hub.
  • According to the Employee Handbook for Salmon Run, players cannot view the map and Super Jump to teammates during a session because the Inklings' and Octolings' sensory organs are disturbed by mysterious magnetic fields in the area.
  • If a player Super Jumps to a teammate during a Tower Control match and the Tower passes over or through the Super Jump marker, the marker moves onto the Tower, sometimes creating the effect that the marker is floating in the air temporarily.
  • Enemy Octolings super jump differently than playable Inklings and Octolings. Instead of changing into octopus form before super jumping, they super jump in Octoling form.


Names in other languages

Langue Nom Signification
Japan Japonais スーパージャンプ
Sūpā Janpu
Super Jump
Germany Allemand Supersprung Super jump
SpainMexico Espagnol Supersalto Super jump
Italy Italien Super salto Super jump
Netherlands Néerlandais Supersprong Super jump
Portugal Portugais Salto Jump
Russia Russe Суперпрыжок
Super jump
South Korea Coréen 슈퍼 점프
Syupeo Jeompeu
Super Jump
