Bombe Coraï

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Une Bombe Coraï

La Bombe Coraï est une bombe spéciale créée par Coralie. Elle apparaît dans le mode Octo Expansion et au stage Éternelle amitié dans Splatoon 2.


Les Bombes Coraï sont des bombes qui ressemblent à la Bombe gluante en apparence. Comme les bombes jouables, elles peuvent aussi contenir de l'Encre. Sur les deux côtés des bombes, on peut voir qu'elles ont certains détails du visage de Coralie. Il y a deux points noirs avec des pupilles blanches du symbole de l'infini pour ses yeux et deux sourcils semblables à ceux de Coralie. Un grain de beauté noir est visible sur le côté droit de la bombe et un petit appareil est installé sur le côté droit de la bombe, ressemblant à un casque d'écoute. Pendant l'histoire de l'Octo Expansion, Coralie travaillait sur la création de celles-ci.

Octo Expansion

Les Bombes Coraï ont fait leur première apparition pendant l'Octo Expansion, durant la Guerre de territoire contre le Général Tartar. Il s'agit de l'arme principale pour affronter le boss final.

Marina utilizes Off the Hook's fleet of helicopters to drop them onto the NILS Statue in order to stop it from absorbing enough sunlight to power up its laser by using the bombs to cover it in ink during the three minutes it has left to charge. However, she notes that "they're still prototypes", so Agent 8 is forced to traverse around the statue and manually detonate all of them by hitting them with their Octo Shot and/or Splat Bombs within the time limit of three minutes.


During the final battle, the NILS Statue is marked in advance with Marina's octopus symbols, marking the locations where the thirty hyperbombs will land, allowing the player to plan their attacks. The symbols are colored to match the color of hyperbomb that will drop there. During the the intro to the battle, Marina explains where and when the hyperbombs will drop as the camera pans around the statue, displaying all of the markers. Hyperbombs are dropped on the statue in the following order: at the start, five light-blue ones on its chest; at thirty seconds, five green ones on its neck; at one minute, five yellow ones on its back; at one and a half minutes, five purple ones on its right arm; and at two minutes, ten dark-blue ones on its head. Once they have landed, the hyperbombs are visible through walls and each emit a beam of light, allowing them to be spotted easily. The 3D map on the top-left of the screen also marks the hyperbombs' locations and how many hyperbombs of each of the five colors have been detonated.

While the first two groups of hyperbombs are easily accessible, later groups require the use of ride rails and Grapplinks. All thirty bombs must be detonated within the time limit for the player to succeed. Even if the player detonates all of them within the time limit, they will still fail if they get splatted prior to the end of the battle by falling into the water that surrounds the statue.

Shifty Station

Hyperbombs make their only multiplayer appearance on MC.Princess Diaries, the final Shifty Station used for the Chaos vs. Order Splatfest, which also features appearances from Off the Hook and the Princess Cannon. Three groups of hyperbombs appear on the stage, being dropped by Off the Hook's helicopter at the 2:45, 1:30, and 0:15 marks; like in the Octo Expansion, there are markers that denote in advance where the hyperbombs will fall. These hyperbombs are slightly larger than normal, take significantly more damage to detonate, and are colored in each team's ink color. Players can only detonate the other team's bombs. Unlike in the Octo Expansion, they do not appear on the map.


Splatoon 2


  • Hyperbombs heavily resemble the giant Suction Bombs used by DJ Octavio and Callie in the Bomb Rush Blush mission of Octo Canyon.
    • The hyperbomb also resembles a flipped-over propane canister.
  • Hyperbombs are named after Marina's online username, DJ_Hyperfresh.
    • Upon questioning how hyperbombs got their name, Pearl asks why they were not named 'princessbombs', reflecting her own online username, MC.Princess.
  • The hyperbombs will play the first two notes of Color Pulse when detonated, with the glissando replacing the normal audio cue for standard Suction Bombs, and the actual explosion serving as the orchestra hit.


In localized versions of the speech played while the player is waiting for the time to run out at the end of the Turf War, it is revealed that hyperbombs are named after Marina's online username, DJ_Hyperfresh. In the Japanese version of the speech, Marina changes the name to "Elegant, Dramatic, and Amazing" bomb, calling it "E-DA" bomb for short, after her Japanese online username, DJ E-DA.

Noms dans les autres langues

Langue Nom Signification
Japan Japonais イイダボム
iida bomu
Marina bomb
Germany Allemand Marina-Bombe Marina bomb
SpainMexico Espagnol Bomba MRN Hyperfresh bomb
Italy Italien Nordigno Marina's contraption (Nori=Marina)
Netherlands Néerlandais M-RI@NA-bom Hyperfresh bomb
Russia Russe Риш-бомба
Marin-bomb (MaRISHa=Marina)