
De Inkipédia
Révision datée du 13 décembre 2023 à 20:39 par Yaya (discussion | contributions) (1)


Le Liquidateur ressemble à un pistolet à eau-jouet.

Dans Splatoon, la poignée et

In Splatoon 2, the Splattershot received a new design that vastly differs from its Splatoon counterpart. The grip and stock are both purple, while the forestock and muzzle are a dark green. The muzzle is shaped like a cone, as well. On top of the weapon is an ink tank in the shape of a capsule that changes color depending on the player's ink. On the upper part of the end of the ink tank is a pink cap. The ink tank is connected to the stock by a pink, diagonal facing ring that goes down the middle and back of the tank. On the bottom of the grip is what appears to be a magazine, colored dark green.

In Splatoon 3, the Splattershot again has an updated design. The grip and stock are both purple, while the muzzle and forestock are both yellow. The muzzle is shaped like a cone, as well. On top of the weapon is an ink tank in the shape of a capsule that changes color depending on the player's ink. The tank is connected to the stock by a wavy yellow piece holder that juts out at the end of the tank. Also at the end of the tank is a blue, cone-shaped cap reminiscent of the caps used to refill a water gun. At the bottom of the handle is what appears to be a yellow magazine.




Informations générales
Type d'arme Arme principale
Catégorie d'arme Lanceur
Arme secondaire Bombe ballon
Arme spéciale Bombardement
Points spécial
Baisse de la jauge Jauge spéciale 40%
50 / 100
45 / 100
55 / 100
Vitesse de charge
Vitesse d'encrage
Niveau 2
Prix Cash 500
Ajout Initial Release (1.0.0)
Dégâts de base 35
Durée de base
Consommation d'encre 0.9%
Portée de base
Rythme de tir
Vitesse de tir
Précision de base

MPU effect
SPU effect
SPU effect
Autre variantes Liquidateur griffé
Liquidateur Wasabi
Lanceur héroïque (réplique)
Lanceur Octaling (réplique)

The Splattershot is an all-around weapon in terms of power, range, and rate of fire, making it easy to use for players of all levels of experience. It has a simplistic colorful look, similar to real life children's water guns. When utilized, it sprays a steady splattering of ink until the player's ink tank is depleted. It comes in a set with Burst Bombs and the Bomb Rush.


  • Le Splattershot est une arme de classe moyenne.
  • Chaque tir consomme 0.9% de la capacité du réservoir d'encre.
    • Cela permet aux joueurs de tirer 111 fois avant de devoir recharger le réservoir d'encre.
    • Cette statistique peut être modifiée avec Encrémenteur (pr.).
  • Lors du tir continu, il tire une balle d'encre tous les 6 frames (10 tirs par seconde).
  • Lors du tir en mouvement, la vitesse de déplacement du joueur est fixée à 0.72 unités par frame.
  • Après un tir, il y a un délai de 20 frames avant que le réservoir d'encre commence à se remplir à nouveau.
  • Chaque tir inflige une base de 35 dégâts.
  • Les tirs voyagent en ligne droite pendant 4 frames. Ensuite, ils peuvent perdre en dégâts. Un tir perdra en dégâts jusqu'à atteindre une valeur de 17.5 dégâts infligés au frame 15.
  • Les tirs ont un rayon de 2 unités.
  • L'angle de déviation des tirs au sol est de 6 degrés.
  • L'angle de déviation des tirs en l'air est de 15 degrés.
  • Le réticule extérieur s'agrandit immédiatement après un saut. Le réticule extérieur finira de rétrécir après 60 frames.
  • La chance de tirer vers le réticule extérieur au lieu du réticule intérieur augmente de 2% par tir, et atteint un maximum de 25% de chance de tirer vers le réticule extérieur.
    • Cela signifie qu'il faut 13 tirs pour atteindre la précision minimale.
  • En sautant, la chance de tirer vers le réticule extérieur au lieu du réticule intérieur est immédiatement fixée à 40%.
  • La précision commence à se rétablir 6 frames après que le joueur arrête de tirer.
  • Les tirs voyagent initialement en ligne droite à une vitesse de 22 unités par frame pendant 4 frames. Les tirs voyagent en ligne droite sur une distance de 88 unités de distance.
  • Les gouttelettes d'encre apparaissent tous les 75 unités.
  • La fréquence à laquelle l'encre coule d'un tir se produit à un taux de 2 gouttelettes par tir.
  • Il existe un total de 5 différents motifs de gouttelettes qui peuvent être créés en tirant avec cette arme.
  • Les gouttelettes qui se produisent à moins de 11 unités du joueur ont un rayon de 19.2 unités.
  • Les gouttelettes qui se produisent à plus de 200 unités du joueur ont un rayon de 18 unités.
  • Toutes les autres gouttelettes d'encre ont un rayon de 13 unités.


Version history

Version Changements
  • Base damage : 36.0 → 35.0

  • Special gauge loss: 50% → as low as 40%


Explications de Cartouche

Ah, the classic Splattershot. It's a modified version of a weapon that was used in the Great Turf War. When this weapon made a splash with the youth, it helped to popularize the Turf Wars we know today! The full-auto Splattershot, Burst Bombs and Bomb Rush make this an ideal set for learning the ropes! Of course, even pro battlers might want to go back to basics and use this classic set once in a while!(EU/OC)[notes 1]

Explications de Cartouche

Ah, the classic Splattershot. It's a modified version of a weapon that was used in the Great Turf War of old. When this weapon made a splash with the fresh kids, it helped popularize the Turf Wars we know today! The full-auto Splattershot, Burst Bombs and Bomb Rush make it a great choice for any situation. Whether you're a newbie or a pro, learn to use this set effectively and you'll be a force to be reckoned with!(NA)[notes 2]

Developed after the Great Turf War, this weapon is easy enough for anyone to use. A great all-rounder with few weak points. A trusty companion through thick and thin.
— In-Game Description
Boom! We've got some breaking news about one of the weapons used in Turf War battles. This here is the Splattershot! We've heard that it strikes the perfect balance between power, range, and rate of fire, making it the ultimate all-arounder. Easy to use but highly effective, it's apparently the gold standard against which all other weapons are measured!
  1. Europe and Oceania
  2. North America



Splatoon 2

Informations générales
Type d'arme Arme principale
Catégorie d'arme Lanceur
Arme secondaire Bombe ballon
Arme spéciale Choc chromatique
Points spécial 170p
Baisse de la jauge
50 / 100
47 / 100
60 / 100
Vitesse de charge
Vitesse d'encrage
Niveau 2
Prix Cash 900
Ajout Initial Release (1.0.0)
Dégâts de base 36
Durée de base
Consommation d'encre 0.92%
Portée de base
Rythme de tir
Vitesse de tir
Précision de base

MPU effect
SPU effect
SPU effect
Autre variantes Liquidateur griffé
Liquidateur K
Lanceur héroïque (réplique)
Lanceur Octaling (réplique)

The weapon reappears in Splatoon 2 and has a new design. There is a cap where the tube connecting the barrel to the gun used to be, reminiscent of the caps used to refill a water gun full of water in real life. It had the Tenta Missiles as its special weapon in the Splatoon 2 Global Testfire demo, but in the final game it has the Splashdown.

It appears in fifteen Octo Expansion stations:


  • The Splattershot is a middleweight weapon.
  • The matchmaking range is 125. The game's matchmaking system looks at a team's average matchmaking range value, and matches them against a team with a similar average.
  • The ink consumption of 0.92% and ink tank capacity of 100% allows players to fire 108 shots before needing to refill the ink supply.
  • When initially firing the weapon in humanoid form, the first shot takes 3 frames to come out.
  • When firing from swim form, the first shot takes 11 frames to come out.
  • The interval between firing and when the player is able to enter swim form or use a sub weapon is 4 frames.
  • When firing continuously, it shoots a bullet every 6 frames (10 shots per second).
  • When firing while moving, the player's movement speed is set to 0.72 units per frame.
  • After firing, there is a 20 frame cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Each shot has a base damage of 36.
  • If a shot is in the air for more than 8 frames after being fired, it loses 0.5625 damage per frame until it reaches 18 damage at frame 40.
  • The bullet hitbox has a radius of 2 units.
  • The angle its shots can deviate while on the ground is 6 degrees.
  • The angle its shots can deviate while in the air is 12 degrees.
  • The outer reticle immediately expands after jumping. After 25 frames, the outer reticle will start shrinking, and will finish shrinking after 70 frames.
  • The Splattershot starts off having a 1% chance to shoot towards the outer reticle instead of the inner reticle.
    • This chance increases by 1% per shot, and maximizes at a 25% chance to shoot towards the outer reticle, meaning that it takes 24 shots to reach minimum accuracy.
  • When jumping, the chance to shoot towards the outer reticle instead of the inner reticle is immediately set to 40%.
  • Accuracy starts recovering 6 frames after the player stops shooting. The chance to shoot towards the outer reticle decreases by 1.5% per frame, if the chance is not already at the minimum, meaning that it takes 22 frames to reach maximum accuracy. (32 after shooting while jumping.)
  • Shots initially travel straight at a rate of 22 units per frame for 4 frames. Shots travel straight for 88 distance units.
    • After that, the shot's velocity is set to 14.495 units per frame if it is not already lower than the listed value, and decreases further as it travels.
  • Ink droplets occur every 92 units.
  • The frequency at which ink drips from a shot occurs at a rate of 1.5 droplets per shot.
  • There are a total of 6 different droplet patterns that can be created while firing this weapon.
  • Droplets that occur within 11 units of the player have a radius of 18 units, and a width of 12 units.
    • These droplets have their radius multiplied by a value ranging from 1.2 if they fell from a height above 100 units to 1.4 if they fell from a height below 30 units.
  • Droplets that occur when they travel past 200 units of the player have a radius of 16 units.
  • All other ink droplets have a radius of 12.8 units.
  • Droplets that are far from the player and all other droplets have their radius multiplied by a value ranging from 1 if they fell from a height above 100 units to 1.2 if they fell from a height below 30 units.


Version history

Version Changements
  • Angle of shot deviation while jumping: 15 degrees → 12 degrees.
  • Number of droplet patterns: 5 → 6.
  • Increase in chance to shoot towards the outer reticle per shot: 2% → 1%.
  • Ink consumption : 0.9% → 1.0%.
  • Droplet rate : 2 → 1.5.
  • Distance between droplets : 75 units → 92 units.
  • Radius of paint droplets near the player : 19.2 units → 18 units.
  • Far droplet paint radius : 18 units → 16 units.
  • Droplet paint radius : 13 units → 12.8 units.


  • Points to fill special gauge : 190 → 200.

  • Reduced the interval between firing and becoming a squid or using a sub weapon by 2/60 of a second.
  • Reduced the time to shoot from squid form by 1/60 of a second.
  • Points to fill special gauge: 200 → 190.
  • When equipped, the Main Power Up gear ability will now also lessen shot spread variance when firing while on the ground, in addition to the benefits it previously provided.
  • Points to fill special gauge: 190 → 180.
  • Increased damage dealt to the Booyah Bomb armor by roughly 17%.
  • Points to fill special gauge: 180 → 170.
  • Decreased ink consumption by about 8%.
  • Reduced the amount of time it takes for shot spread (which is the gradual distance shots spread away from the target when firing continuously) to return to normal: 54 frames → 22 frames.
    • Most Shooter-type weapons will have increased shot spread when continuously firing.
    • When the player stops firing, the shot spread gradually returns to normal, but with this fix, the amount of time it takes to return has been reduced.
  • Increased the likelihood the turf around the player's feet will be inked when firing.
  • Increased maximum damage that can be dealt: 35 → 36.
  • Slowed damage falloff speed relative to projectile travel time by roughly 66.7%.


Explications de Cartouche

The Splattershot is beloved for its ease of handling and high potential. This is the latest model of the go-to weapon! The included Burst Bombs are great for both attack and defense, and the Splashdown special doubles down on attack power. You can also use the Splashdown as a defensive ace up your sleeve, so it's perfect for learning the basics of battling! If you learn to make great use of this set, you'll be a force to be reckoned with! This all-around set is great for mastering the basics of battle.

The latest model of the iconic weapon that embodies the spirit of Turf War. Press to fire off a volley of ink. This bad boy is a great choice for newbies and seasoned veterans alike.



Splatoon 3



Informations générales
Type d'arme Arme principale
Catégorie d'arme Lanceur
Arme secondaire Bombe gluante
Arme spéciale Lance-rafales
Points spécial 190p
Baisse de la jauge
50 / 100
47 / 100
60 / 100
Vitesse de charge
Vitesse d'encrage
Niveau 2
Ajout Drizzle Season 2022 (1.1.0)
Dégâts de base 36
36 ( SRNW)
Durée de base
Consommation d'encre
Portée de base
Rythme de tir
Vitesse de tir
Précision de base

MPU effect
SPU effect
SPU effect
Autre variantes Liquidateur griffé
Lanceur héroïque (réplique)

The Splattershot returns in Splatoon 3 with a new design. Its kit consists of Suction Bombs and the Trizooka, breaking the tradition of giving the Splattershot the Burst Bomb.

It appears in 4 missions in Alterna:


  • The Splattershot is a middleweight weapon.
  • The matchmaking range is 12.5. The game's matchmaking system looks at a team's average matchmaking range value, and matches them against a team with a similar average.
  • The ink consumption is 0.92% per shot, allowing the user to fire for 10.87 seconds on a full ink tank.
  • When firing continuously, it shoots a bullet every 6 frames (10 shots per second).
  • When firing from humanoid form, the first shot takes 3 frames to come out. When firing from swim form, the first shot takes 11 frames to come out.
  • The interval between firing the weapon and being able to enter swim form or use a sub weapon is 4 frames.
  • When firing while moving, the player's movement speed is set to 0.072 units per frame.
  • Each shot has a base damage of 36 and minimum damage of 18.
  • If a shot is in the air for more than 8 frames after being fired, it will lose about 0.56 damage per frame until it reaches 18 damage at frame 40.
  • The bullet hitbox for collisions with players has a radius of 0.2 units.
  • The bullet hitbox for collisions with the environment has a radius of 0.2 units.
  • The angle its shots can deviate while on the ground is 5 degrees.
  • The angle its shots can deviate while in the air is 12 degrees.
  • The outer reticle immediately expands after jumping. After 25 frames, the outer reticle will start shrinking, and will finish shrinking after 70 frames.
  • When jumping, the chance to shoot towards the outer reticle instead of the inner reticle is immediately set to 40%.
  • Shots initially travel straight at a rate of 2.2 units per frame for 4 frames. Shots travel straight for 8.8 distance units.
    • After that, the shot's velocity is set to 1.4495 units per frame if it is not already lower than the listed value, and it loses 36% of its speed every frame (including the first frame after it stops traveling straight). Once the shot velocity decreases below a certain threshold, it will begin to be slowed less and fall faster.
  • The effective range is about 10.94 units.
    • This number may vary at different firing angles.


Version history

Version Changements
  • Points to fill special gauge: 200 → 190.
  • Reduced the scatter of shots while on land by approximately 17%: 6 degrees → 5 degrees.
    • This also includes midair shot-scatter reduction from the Intensify Action gear ability. The midair ink scatter will now be closer to the effect while shooting on land.


Explications de Cartouche

The Splattershot is beloved for its ease of handling and high potential. This is the latest model of the go-to weapon! Paired with Suction Bombs, you have a wonderfully stable loadout that allows you to respond to whatever the enemy throws at you. And let's not forget the Trizooka special. Let one off the leash at the right moment, and I guarantee your opponent won't forget! Is this setup a little basic? Yes! Basically one of the best setups you can have! Master the fundamentals, and you'll become a force to be reckoned with.

First up is the tried-and-true Splattershot. Although some see this as an entry-level shooter, you'll often find advanced players taking advantage of its capabilities. And the latest Splatsville iteration features a new frame that offers added resiliency and ease of maintenance.
— @SplatoonNA on Twitter[5]
Some see the Splattershot as an entry-level shooter, but it boasts above-average performance in several areas. The latest Splatsville iteration features a new frame that offers added resilience and ease of maintenance.
— @NintendoUKVS on Twitter[6]


Article principal: Badge#Weapon freshness

Reaching certain Freshness levels with the Splattershot will reward the player with special badges that they can use on their Splashtag.

Splattershot Badges
4★ Splattershot User
5★ Splattershot User



For competitive tips about the Splattershot

Click to view the strategy for Splattershot. View the strategy page.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

The Splattershot appears as Inkling's neutral special and in a few normals in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, alongside a variety of other weapons that they use in their attacks.

For their neutral special, they shoot projectiles with the Splattershot at the opponent to deal damage. This also coats opponents in ink but does not ink the ground. The projectiles will decrease in range as the Inkling runs low on ink, and the Splattershot will not fire if the Inkling is out of ink. Similarly, for their rapid jab, the Inkling shoots the Splattershot, creating spurts at the muzzle which damages and inks opponents. This move also stops functioning when out of ink. For their forward throw, the Inkling fires a single shot directly into the opponent, covering them slightly and using a small amount of ink. In their other normals, they physically swing and hit opponents with the Splattershot itself. These moves do not cost ink.


Names in other languages

Langue Nom Signification
Canada Français (NOA) Liquéficateur Liquificator
Japan Japonais スプラシューター
Splashooter[notes 1]
Germany Allemand Kleckser Splodger
Mexico Espagnol (NOA) Rociador Sprayer
Spain Espagnol (NOE) Lanzatintas Ink Thrower
Italy Italien Splasher Splasher
Netherlands Néerlandais Superspetter (Splatoon 2 & 3)
Spletterschot (Splatoon)[8]
Splattershot[notes 2]
Portugal Portugais Lança tinta[9] Ink Thrower
Russia Russe Каплестрел (Splatoon 2 & 3)
Пистолет с краской (Splatoon)[10]
Pistolet s kraskoy
Dropshooter[notes 3]
Paint gun
China Chinois (Simplifié) 斯普拉射击枪
sīpǔlā shèjíqiāng/shèjīqiāng (Mandarin)
Hong Kong Chinois (Traditionnel) 斯普拉射擊槍
sīpǔlā shèjíqiāng/shèjīqiāng (Mandarin)
South Korea Coréen 스플랫 슈터
Seupeullaet Syuteo
Splat Shooter
 Identifiant interne Shooter_Normal_00[11]

Translation notes

  1. Portmanteau of "splat" and "shooter"
  2. From a corruption of the English verb "to splat" and schot ("shot")
  3. From капля kaplya ("drop") and стрелять strelyat ("to shoot")

